I have received my stools result and I have 163 gu I'm worried and I have burning in my stomach chest and both arms and suggestions please.
Suggestions: I have received my stools result... - IBS Network

I am assuming that the 163 is your calprotectin result. Has your doctor referred you for further investigation such as colonoscopy? To put your mind at rest, the calprotectin result is only used as a marker to indicate whether it needs to be looked into further. I had a calprotectin result of 329 and was still diagnosed with IBS after colonoscopy. Statistically far more people will get diagnosed with IBS than anything else after a colonoscopy. If you've never had a colonoscopy before, the staff dealing with you are really nice and they look after you through the process. It is over before you know it. The burning sensation could be GERD (acid reflux). Did the doctor diagnose this? If so, what is their suggestion?
Thanks for your reply I have appointments with doctor and refer me to colonoscopy but I don't feel like to eat ,burping,dull pain goes and come.i had ultra sound and X ray as well it's was good.any suggestions please let me know thanks.
It's hard to say until you get your diagnosis and also whether you have other symptoms such as bowel problems. For the moment, if you are extra gassy (and the pain may be caused by gas), you could try Rennie Deflative (suck 2 tablets) or other wind products that contain Simeticone.
I had a score of 432 at its worst and on follow up I did not have IBD. You need further testing but I’d be surprised if they found IBD as the cause with that score. The burning pain you describe sounds more like your stomach and I would be asking for an endoscopy as the next step in the diagnostic process. That will reveal if there’s any gastritis or GERD or anything else going on.

Yaa i have further testing waiting for colonoscopy I had ultra sound and X ray results was good but I feel burping not feeling to eat, dull pain in left side of stomach comes and goes . any more suggestions please let me know thanks for your message take care and merry Christmas to you.