Why did I just see bits of blood on stool? - IBS Network

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Why did I just see bits of blood on stool?

Ramirezzzzz profile image
22 Replies

Today I pass a very hard stool and felt like it was stretching my anus wide lol and had a hard time pushing it out and finally when I did I saw bits of bright red blood. Now I’m very concern. Please someone explain wth is wrong. I’m thinking negative right now. I’m only 19 years old

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Ramirezzzzz profile image
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22 Replies
Ericaxmai profile image

I’m also in the same situation as you and it’s happened to me a number of times now. When it first happened I was extremely scared and felt very negative about it but if it was bright red and on top of the stool then I should imagine that you’ve maybe just cut yourself from having to strain. If it keeps happening I would maybe see a GP. I have but they didn’t seem too concerned and I’ve taken them a stool sample to get it checked out so you could always do that

Ramirezzzzz profile image
Ramirezzzzz in reply to Ericaxmai

I’m really worried about going to the dr

Ramirezzzzz profile image
Ramirezzzzz in reply to Ericaxmai

I saw bits of blood on the surface of my stool

Hi don’t be worried your stool is hard and dry because of constipation . The bright red speck of blood could be from haemorrhoids I have them also . What’s your diet like ? Do you drink plenty of water ? If everything fails try a natural stool softener because if you do have Hemorrhoids straining will aggravate them and try not to worry x

Ramirezzzzz profile image
Ramirezzzzz in reply to

Hey there ! My diet is shit lol I eat a lot of fast food lol and I only drink like 5 water bottles a day and I’m really scared because this my first time seeing bits of bright red blood 🩸 it look like fresh blood. I don’t know if I have hermorriods or anul fissure but sometimes it itches and stings @my passageway lol and when I sit down for a long time in the toilet and stick paper up my anus and I bright blood

in reply to Ramirezzzzz

If you suffer with constipation for long time you prob have got heammoroids you could always see doctor to check there are creams to use for them . Try eating some fruit everyday . You should be trying to get softer poop !! Hard dry poop really hurts to get out x

Ramirezzzzz profile image
Ramirezzzzz in reply to

I mean I really don’t deal with constipation, my first time pooping hard other times it’s soft and long but yesterday it was very hard and bulky and I’m just very worried because google is giving me bad anxiety

in reply to Ramirezzzzz

Think most people use google always comes up with bad scenarios . I would still go see the doc to check if you got haemorrhoids it will put your mind at rest x

Jocarj profile image

My guess is it is anal fissure from what you describe - you've torn your anus basically.

I've had the same thing myself a few times in the past so I've become a bit of a veteran.

Fresh blood tends to mean it comes from the anus or local to that area, which in my mind is not such bad news especially if it follows something that can explain it.

Dark red or black blood means it has come from further back which is perhaps not such great news.

Either way it's worth getting it checked out to be sure.

Not sure why you are worried about seeing your GP but just remember, they will have examined back passages as many times as you can imagine so to them it will be like you going about your normal day to you...

If you are worried about bad news, statistically I would think it's incredibly unlikely to be anything serious at 19.

The only way to solve them is to improve your diet and eating habits.

You need to include a lot more fruit and veg in your diet and probably a bit more water than you do and chew food properly.

You don't have to give up what you eat now (not that your diet sounds great mind as fast food is high in salt / sugar / saturated fat - all of which will catch up with you one day unless you gradually phase them out or at least cut right down to now and again) but you do need to eat vegetables and / or fruit alongside each meal to keep fissures from coming back.

If you can't face that yet, then at least eat a few dried prunes or fig rolls every day (I wouldn't do both!) and that will sort you out.

Drink a bit more water throughout the day if you can too.

Ramirezzzzz profile image
Ramirezzzzz in reply to Jocarj

Thanks a lot ! Really appreciate you taking your time to calm me loln

Ramirezzzzz profile image

UPDATE*** I just poop and check my stool for any blood and saw nothing. I do have to say that my anus is on fire ! It stings really bad ! Feels like if I got poke with millions of needles. My anus is like throbbing of a pain and later gets itchy. I’m guessing I did torn my anus ? Is that treatable?

Superzob profile image
Superzob in reply to Ramirezzzzz

Sounds very much like a haemorrhoid or anal fissure - there's no need to treat as it tends to repair itself very quickly (which is why the bleeding has stopped). However, you may get some pain and/or itching for several days afterwards as it fully repairs itself. There is ointment (Anusol) available from chemists to help with that, but it really is nothing to worry about. By the time you're 70 (as I am), you will have experienced this several times, but you'll still be around, much as I am!

You have almost certainly torn a blood vessel. Or pile. It’s extremely varicose area down there. It’s going to probably look bright red blood. It’s probably a one off. Stop worrying

Take Senna, drink more water and add fibre to your diet. Nothing to worry about.

Cats15 profile image

Yes certainly it’s very common. Bright red blood means you have torn something on the way out and it’s also the reason why it hurts and is itchy. Get Anusol cream to stop it itching and to ease anything else that come through that passage. Boots sell it. Above all drink more and stop eating shit to freak you out!!

Jocarj profile image

If you have got an anal fissure, it takes time for it to heal depending on how bad the tear is.

Think of it like a cut on your hand and how long that takes to join together and heal.

You really need 3 days of smaller dumps so that you not re-opening it so you need to get your diet sorted out pronto. I found myself almost praying the next dumps were smaller because I know that bad feeling of opening a healing fissure although dry dumps are ideal as minimal cleaning required.

I've read advice in the past about passing stools in the bath with warm water in it but I couldn't bring myself to do that. Lol. In any case, the fix is to change your diet as anything else is a workaround.

But, whenever I've had a fissure and I take a dump, if I am at home I sit on the edge of the bath and wash the area with the shower head using warm water (extremes of temperature will make your anus tense up and that won't allow good blood flow to heal the area). I find this more effective instead of wiping as it allows the area to relax eventually and it keeps the area clean while it heals. I can't help thinking that an open fissure in that area is not a great idea with regards to infection and contamination from poop.

It takes time to get your head around but I tend to think of it like you are dealing with mud/earth there instead of what you are actually dealing with and I found that a lot easier. After a while, you get used to it believe it or not. The first one I had in my late 20s was very big and I tried various things from the GP but I found the washing worked best in the end.

Tips (and more gory details) for success... I use my other half's "intimate wash" soap to wash the area thoroughly, you need to get in there with your finger obviously (use a rubber glove if you have to) and when you are done, pat the area down with dry toilet paper. If you are going to apply anything after like Anusol / Sudcrem, use it sparingly just on the tear as you want air to get to the area too. I don't tend to bother with these but then I am totally sure the area is clean after each passing!

Then wash your hands (and finger if you didn't use a glove) thoroughly, and edge of the bath of course checking you've left nothing behind!, with soap.

It's all a bit grim but I would rather do this and know it will resolve itself in a couple of days or so.

Another point on diet, if you have to strain to take a dump, eventually you may get piles and that's another world of fun albeit in my case (once), I found it a lot easier/quicker to resolve than fissures but then perhaps my piles weren't that bad!

Convertiblegirl profile image

Sounds like a tear to me too, I suffer from this off and on due to IBS-A.I have to say when it was bad it was the most excruciating pain. None of the self-help tools worked so I was prescribed Rectogesic which worked really well a d I now make sure that I always have a tube of it, just in case.

I would be 99% sure that a quick visit to your doctor will set your mind at rest. The examination isn't pleasant but a minute of unpleasantness is nothing compared to the pain and discomfort a tear can cause.

When you're there ask your doctor about stool softeners.

Good luck!

Evonne02 profile image

Hi Ramirezzzzz,This happened to me last year. I was told I may have cancer and was petrified. I was seen within the 2 week Guidelines. I had a camera via a probe put up my anus. It was filled with air. This was very uncomfortable and bordered on pain. 😩 I was immediately told the results and given pictures and noted examination reasons of why I bled. I had something I've never heard of.. A self destructing type cyst 😳 Apparently it bled, healed and did this over and over again. I was told it would be completely gone in a month. Since then I've had no issues. It certainly made me ensure I take my Movicol laxatives. Certainly won't be so slack in taking them regularly ever again. It was a terrifying experience, with the wait being the worst part for me. Please speak to your gp ASAP. I wish you all the best.

Jocarj profile image
Jocarj in reply to Evonne02

Having had an endoscopy, that air thing is pretty uncomfortable down your oesophagus too so I can only imagine what that's like in that particular entrance.

Evonne02 profile image

You can ask/demand that you're put to sleep when they put it down your oesophagus.

Jocarj profile image
Jocarj in reply to Evonne02

Yeah, they did offer me the choice but I had no idea what it would be like and opted for local. Also I could leave sooner than after full. Even the explanation sounded alright. Lol.

Evonne02 profile image

Stop the take away meals. That's at the heart of your problems.

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