My consultant said that Ibs does not cause pain at night. Has anyone else been told this?
Pain at night: My consultant said that Ibs does... - IBS Network
Pain at night
I often get pain at night, and have done so for years. Think it’s quite common amongst us ibs sufferers!
Ive never been told that, i spend almost every night in pain with my stomach from ibs... Some doctors come out with weird things!
He’s very good. He’s a gastro consultant

He doesn't suffer with IBS then or at least not the IBS that wakes you up!!!
Sorry for being a bit flippant but they don't know how it affects you personally as they're not you xxx
I’m getting worried. I don’t have constipation or d just cramping. Mainly just above waist. Worried it is something else! I have had a lot of stress. Worried it could be pancreas.
Mine wakes me up at night,I thought it did with everyone
Nocturnal diarreah isn't a symptom of ibs. Any pain and diarreah that wakes you up from sleeping needs checking with your gp.
Sorry Jasper I didn’t see all the comments and was half asleep when I read it. I helped my ins immensely when I took a two step protocol called Candisov and threelac. Read the instructions and if you are the USA you can read it at Canidida. .Org UK the Finchley clinic. If you choose this you must start gentle as this is the way it needs to be. Please don’t be a smartie like me who took four threelac in one day causing the herximer reaction. Start off slow reap the rewards later. Read the reviews. I do thing different now I go steady. Candisolv 2 a day for a month and one packet of threelac/fivelac. If you follow this protocol you should start to heal. Modern day diets with carbs and sugar are bad for the gut. They cause a mucus problem. Research. I felt so much better then I relapsed onto chocolate bread potatoes etc without still using my protocol. So now I’m back in these candisolv and threelac. Everyday I’m getting better. Good luck. It works for me.
Don’t be put off by the price of candisolv £60ish it will work. I wish I’d done it years ago and stuck to it. Good luck. Read the reviews.
IBS attack can occur anytime of the day and with it pain. Just my experience has always been random as well as normal tricky times.
Sorry for my English, I am a Dutchman. I am 78 years old now. Since I was 23 I suffer from terrible pain every night. I have a lack of sleep every day.
My doctor gives me sleeping pills and since two weeks s very strong painkiller: Oxycodon.
I sleep a lot better with Oxycodon, but the side effects are u comfortabele. Dizzyness, memoryproblems, and driving a car is prohibited.
Nevertheless I keep using Oxicodon because I finally after many decades I sleep a lot better without pain. Ask your doctor.
Regards, Hansjelle, Netherlands
That is wholly untrue! I suffer from IBS-C and visceral hypersensivity / functional abdominal pain. This pain, which I experience in the back area, is worse for me at night - anywhere from 2am onwards, but sometimes from 5am onwards. It is at these times that the intestines are at their most active preparing for a BM in the morning. With the type of pain that I am experiencing it is where the brain picks up the normal activity of the bowel as pain. It stands to reason that this pain could be worse when the intestines are at their most active which is in the early hours.
My pain at night started 3 years ago which said to be called a functional bowel syndrome (same as IBS). I think the gas builds up during the day and then causes pain at night. It is also painful once up and about, the trapped wind is unbearably painful. Today I have been given a private prescription for Rifaximin for SIBO which I tested positive to so am desperately hoping this drug will kill off the bad bacteria that is in the small intestine. Best wishes to a fellow pain at night sufferer.
Is your pain above the waist . No d or c.

The pain can be all around the colon, so just under my ribs and down low near the groin. I suffer with slow transit constipation.
Can you keep us informed on how well the Rifxamin works please. I, for one, will be very interested and know there are others on here who will be equally interested. Thanking you in advance. Maureen.
I most definitely will keep you informed.
Hi, how are things going with the Rifaximin, any luck?!
Gosh, disappointing I'm afraid! After 7 days, felt worse and not only that I became despressed and tearful which isn't me at all. When I contacted GP he told me to stop taking them. £170 wasted!!
Oh so sorry to hear that. It's just impossible this condition. isn't it. There really are no answers, as far as I can see!
Yes, so very disappointed as I thought it would be the start of beginning to feel better. I am to go on to a new anxiety drug prescribed today in the hope it will help me cope better with this dreadful complaint.
It could still help my partner takes it for bad digestion and gut pain. Hope it helps