Hi everyone,
My first post in this particular group. I was diagnosed with IBS last summer after having 10 years of problems. I don't go to the doctor often as I have a huge anxiety issue with health.
So I've been suffering weight gain for the last 10 years, 8st to 12st and still gaining 😭 I suffer with anxiety also.
I have bloated tummies beyond belief on a very regular basis, to the point where I look pregnant and can not fit my clothes on to go to work which upsets me massively.
Frequently suffer with lower abdominal pain, I have to lie on my stomach as I cramp so bad I can hardly stand up. (which I have right now)
I also suffer with frequent rashes on my back neck arms. I have psoriasis (bumpy itchy skin all over my body)
Just started suffering with hayfever the last few years, quite bad as well. Breathing difficulties are due to this I believe. So I am on up to 6 antihistamines a day (piriton) which I swear contribute to the weight gain as I always gain more in hayfever season. I have been told to take these by my doctor as my hayfever got so bad and I do not want to go on steroids.
I also have post nasal drip, seriously bad sinuses and constantly a dry irritating cough every morning that turns chesty as the day goes on due to so much mucus. I'm so susceptible to catching a cold it is unbelievable, have atleast 5/6 a year, it's like I'm constantly ill.
I suffer with indigestion regularly and awful reflux if I don't take my meds (I'm on mepradec daily)
I feel really sluggish lately and have very little energy to do anything at all which gets me down. I just want to shift some weight, make the tummy pain go away and be able to wear my clothes without looking pregnant 😔
And don't even get me started on gas!!!!! Everyday!!!! And it's excessive, where is it coming from 😱 so I drink peppermint daily to try and help but it makes little difference
Would just like everyone to read this and see if they can relate at all, my problems are getting worse and I'm always in pain, I've had enough. I will be writing a part 2 to this post, keep an eye out 👀thank you in advance xxx