Hi every one so I'm diagnosed fibromyalgia and many of us have ibs wich I no nothing about but my stool is normally yellow some times half yellow half light brown do u guys get this I'm worried x
Yellow poo: Hi every one so I'm diagnosed... - IBS Network
Yellow poo
Sounds like bile that you should probably speak to your gp they should ask for a stool sample and maybe blood tests
I've had all bloods liver function kidney there normal no action ?
What causes bile in stool I ring him and he tells me it's nothing to worry about I am worried though x
Hi lauren1987
So I used to have this all of the time half dark brown half light brown stool. I believe its caused by rapid transit time, so i.e something you've eaten has sped up your transit time which is why the stool is lighter on one side. Could be caused by suger, fat, gluten or dairy it sounds like you may need to work on sealing your gut by eating easy to digest foods like Meat, Potatoes with no skin, Rice, cooked vegetables for a while so you give your gut a rest and that the gut lining can re generate. Alcohol, and dairy, and fried food were my biggest triggers for increased urgency.
You know this can also be caused by the colour of the foods you've consumed also, naturally eating a lot potatoes, or white bread will give you a lighter stool. Now if your stool is almost white in colour this is called steatorrhea, then you should be concerned as it indicates fat malasorbtion. Dark red or black stools you should see your GP asap as this indicates bleeding further up the GI tract.
Bile is secreted by your liver and it's home is the gall baldder, bile helps you digest fats. Its like putting fairy liquid in grease it helps break up the fat to make it easier to deal with. So when theres not enough bile, your stools will often appear white in colour like steatorrhea. Seeing as you said your is light brown and other half dark brown I woudnt worry too much.
A couple of things you can try it might be just that you need to give your liver a break, so plenty of water also could try drinking bitters something like artichoke tea, which helps the bile flow. If you havent already i would start taking a probiotic supplement and cut out alcohol, Greasy food, dairy for a while see how you do.
Good luck
I'm worried cos there mostly light yellow I don't drink alcohol my liver and kidney function tests were normal I'm just worried it's my liver ??

Hi its hard for me to tell because i dont know your diet, it can be caused by liver problems but you need to think is there anything you've done to aggrivate your liver?
Medication but all function tests are normal I never had ibs before I got the fibromyalgia what I don't want is to wake up yellow 😳😉
Hi Lauren I'm curious to know whether your stools were like this prior to you drinking the litre of prune juice? Maybe that was the cause? xx
Hi there, yellow stool is most commonly food intolerance or fat, i get bright yellow after eating high fodmaps - best to get checked out and referred to a fodmap dietitian if you haven't already x
Hi just thought I would share my story, a few years ago I started having yellow stool. I did the worst thing possible and consulted Dr Google and found all these scary conditions. I panicked, I started getting up in the night to pass yellow poo. Then I stopped eating as it frightened me to poo. I started getting pain under left ribs. It all came to a head when I was rushed to A&E convinced I was dying. I had full blood count normal, I had scans all normal, I had endoscopy that was normal too. My GP explained I have anxiety and yellow stool is normal for this. Getting up in the night is anxiety and the stomach pain is hunger because I’m not eating!! With the help of my family I started to eat again and relax and within weeks my stool was turning brown again! That was a few years ago and now whenever I panic the yellow stool comes back 😆 I also had acid reflux too but that can be brought on by stress too. Please don’t worry, I would mention to your doctor but don’t google!!! Take care x
Babies have yellow poo don’t they? and all they drink is milk so maybe it is down to dairy after all.
I was diagnosed with NAFLD about 15 years ago. I also have high lipids (triglycerides- fats in blood) despite sticking to a low fat diet and I’m not overweight. Anyway I’ve always suffered from diarrhoea but told it was IBS or what I was eating. Did FODMAP, saw numerous dieticians. Anyway a few years ago it go so bad I was being sick as well. Finally got referred and had tests and consultant confirmed it was bile acid malabsorption. Look at bad-uk.org website for details. I now take binder medication.
I think the most likely cause is gluten reducing the ability for digesting fat. High fat stools will be more yellow. The ideal colour for a stool is like that of a chestnut. So you just vary your diet till your stools are the right colour.
I don't know whether you are having any pain and you haven't mentioned age, but it could be of gall stones may be. My partner had this and since having his gall bladder removed never had this again. It is bile as someone said on here. Get it checked out when you can.
Have you tried taking liver support supplements to alleviate your worries? Also look up natural foods that help liver function. This could also happen when you eat something like a lot of turmeric and or sweet potatoes. If you use this spice in your diet a great deal try to cut back see what happens. Also look into the medications you’re taking daily and google to see if any of those could cause liver toxicity. If you are taking any that do talk to your GP about any alternatives.
I had greenish yellow stool. Read an article that it was caused by gluten. Sure enough I went gluten-free and my poo normalized and my stomach recovered greatly.