Hi a month or so ago I read of someone who has bright yellow diarreah, and she knew why it occured. Can you tell me what the diagnosis was. Thanks
Yellow poo: Hi a month or so ago I read of... - IBS Network
Yellow poo

I’m not a doctor but I had the same thing and at the time not only was I diagnosed with IBS D I had a low iron count. I also mentioned the colour change in my stools and was told that I also had a malabsorption problem and that was the effect of my stools turning yellow in colour. As for a treatment I was never given anything for the yellow stools. I hope it is of some help to you.
I had this when I had chronic diarrhea for YEARS! It's bile...my doctor put me in Welchol, and it stopped the diarrhea in it's tracks. Very expensive here in the States, though, so now I'm on Colestipol...works just as well and less expensive. Talk to your doctor about these drugs....I do not understand why these people don't prescribe this for people with chronic diarrhea.
Hi sweetsusie thank you so much for replying. I will see my doctor or quacks as I call them because they know nothing. Regards
HA! I know that feeling! They will tell you that these drugs are used to lower high cholesterol and also for the treatment of Type II diabetes, but lots of drugs have lost of different uses, and these in particular do not lower your cholesterol very much without the addition of an actual statin. Also, the bright yellow in your poo is bile..and these drugs bind to the bile, hence, much less diarrhea, or none at all!! Good luck..keep me posted!