Hi, im 28 and have suffered with constipation/IBS all my life. Have tried everything and nothing has worked and im scundered with myself as this has taking over my life ! I spend all my time on the toliet and cant go anywhere.
I have had a colonoscopy in December and its clear, i have had all the other tests and they are all clear..my doctor has put me onto Constella 290g and sent me to see a dietican.
With the constella i still have diarrohea so was told to take the tablet every other day but its still the same, i also feel sick alot and get so tired and exhausted easily and the i am really bloated all the time and always have the urge to goto the toliet but cant do anything..has anyone else had symtoms like these? Is it constant diarrohea or will i have normally stools? I have been on constella since december 2019 and was told it would get better within a couple days bit no improvement.
When I take a Constella, i get the side affects like winds diarrohea and few pains but thos continues to the next day with constant pain in around my whole belly, is this normally? Would the tablet be too strong? If i stop the tablets I would be back to square one again
#constella #ibs #constipations #bloating