With bad IBS-D what are people’s normal amount of stools a day?
Many thanks
With bad IBS-D what are people’s normal amount of stools a day?
Many thanks
I can average 3/4 times a day always loose. On a bad day I can double that.
3-4 times sometimes more on a bad day. even now as i’ve reduced symptoms by around 80 percent i would say 2 times a day is normal
probio7 probiotics , digestive enzymes, glutamine and fodmap helped a lot, i can’t eat onions chillie wheat garlic etc but it’s ok as reduction of symptoms is worth it
good luck
I would say 3-4 on average, but up to 8 when bad
When it was at its worst, would be roughly 6-10 times all watery
Probably about 4 times a day but if bad I can double that.
I'm just about to start the low FODMAP DIET, I saw a Dietician today.
Probably about 3-4 times a day, I have taken a lot of stuff out of my diet and this is gradually helping me through. ususally only bm in the morning which I feel thankful for to be honest, sometimes though it does wipe me out. You are never alone with this IBS always someone to talk to here.
Thank you all so much for your replies, have been struggling recently. I have tried all kinds of things including Low FODMAP, definitely helps my symptoms, (now don’t eat onion, garlic, wheat etc) but still seem to get regular problems. On a “normal” day (or what has become the new normal I tend to go around 5/6 times but when bad up to 17 all being watery and some mucus. I also get a lot of mouth ulcers, stomach pain, bleeding and achy joints. Been for all the normal tests and nothing has shown up
Normally I go 3/4 times a day. Mostly in the morning. I can however have a flare up and go about 10 times. It’s got worse in the last year but I keep on doing my best to live with it. I get really anxious which makes it worse. Knackers me out.
Normal days 2/3/4 bad days 8/10/12.... not hit 20 in a day yet. I can go the other way on occasions when over doing the pain meds... it's a tweaking, bancing act. Being in pain and diarrhoea or taking pain meds and getting constipated. At least I'm pretty good now at managing to some degree lol