Hi as anyone else had the blood in the stool test it's called fit for short I had high reading normal range was 0/10 mine was 100 but I've had all different tests etc done with nothing found
High fit reading : Hi as anyone else had the... - IBS Network
High fit reading

Hi i have , mine came back positive, had an endoscopy and colonoscopy same day , one polyp found and sent of for biospy but they said it looked normal but untill i get the results i wont rest.
What tests did you have ? X
Hiya I've had a endoscopy down my throat a couple of months back but that was to see why I kept getting acid. But that was fine. I've had a camera up the back paasge a good few years cane back normal. But I've had stomach cramps for about 3 months constant now I'm 34 and a male I've had an ultrasound done on my abdomen that came back clear apart from signs of fatty liver I am overweight. as have 2 stools test from the gp for all the nasty bugs you can get. I've had numerous bloods taken and I have a high liver function reading but nothing else. I did I private stool test offline to check for blood in stool cane back high. I've been to a and e last night he says he wanted to reassure me he thought it wasnt anything like cancer with all the bloods and testing I've had done etc. But hes write to my gp to send for a camera up my back paasge for further investigation. At the time when I took my stool sample I had blood in my poo from been constipated from the codeine I take for an unrelated pain I have. Which caused me to strain to go to toilet which I think caused a slight tear hence the blood as this has happened before ap I thinking mine came back high because as I say their was visible blood in the stool the test tests you for blood you cannot see. My symptoms are constant cramping lower abdomen different stools from loose to like water then solid stools change of colour at times as well from light to dark could be a fatty bad diet. How about yourself sorry for the long reply x
Hi , sorry to hear you are going through all this ,its truly horrible.
I mean i have been told its IBS for years and you do get cramping , with mine its usually all over.
So are you going to have another colonoscopy ?
With me its just doing my head in, i have had endoscopy,colonoscopy, polyp found,no result as yet seems to be taking forever,consultant said he felt all was fine though but untill they come back i wont rest.
Abdo and Pelvic scan was pretty normal,found a small cyst in pelvis area,lady ,i may add but not sure what it is so due a ultrasound pelvic scan next week,bloods all fine, ECG fine, chest xray fine,so not sure, still feel like poo, tummy actually settled down abit but untill i get this result on this polyp i wont rest.
I hope you feel better soon and please write back ,sorry it took me along time to reply my anxiety just takes over my life at the mo x
Hiya it's fine reply when ever you can. Yes I'm ringing docs at 8am to go in to tell them the a and e doctor has sent them a email to refer me for another camera. My pain is just really constant if anything more on a night when I'm settled after work. It's never got worse or anything though I just know it's their ofnthat makes sense. I've got health anxiety over mine too worst thing you can do is Google etc as anything you put it gives you a death sentence I've had that many tests etc I just think if their was something it would of flagged up now hopefully. As for yourself at least its had a sample taken and tested they will see hundreds of them and I should think would know by sight if it's a good or bad one. As I say think my sample came back that high because I remember looking in the toilet bowel when I went to do the sample and I though god that hurt as inwas a tad constipated from the codeine and their was blood in the bowel and stool and that's normal for me after a week or 2 of codeine for pain relief and that's the sample i sent off maybe should of waited till it cleared then done it as my poo is blood free now so think I've wasted a test. I've read up on the stool test and hemorrhoid ibs ibd inflammation ulcers can all make for a positive reading x
Yea you are prob right, they told me it could be anything .
Keep.in touch was nice speaking g to you x
Hi hows it going ??
Hello I'm good I had another fit test done and came back in normal range still having has and cramps now and then and like I said some blood now and then but thats maybe of codeine blocking me up. At least my second still test came back normal and doctor said that makes him very posative it's not a nasty bowel cancer or anything so it eased my mind. How about you x
Hi thats good then , try some senokot ,just one tablet every other night i take just to help with the codiene effect .
Well im a bit fed up to be honest, doc seems to think i have something with a very long name that i cant for the life of me spell ,begins with C and is inflamed my ribs and sternum,so thats all i need at the mo.
More painkillers.
Im glad you seem a bit brighter now x
It's more common than you would imagine, have you had the camera or ct scan yet