How many of you here are facing very overactive intestinal activity? I can't tell whether I'm diligent about feeling it cos I've had a hellish year with ibs or if my guts are truly pissed off with me. Every morning as soon as I wake I get noises, feelings, gas and it only shuts up after I've had a bm
Highly active intestines: How many of you here... - IBS Network
Highly active intestines

Have you been told it's IBS by your doctor?
Not officially. Went to 12 doctors from May to June and had all the tests except for a colonoscopy, he said if my stool test was clear he would diagnose me as ibs, how were you diagnosed?
Well, we are talking nearly 35 years ago now, so they just said that was what is was. Not sure it was called IBS back then though. I did have a colonoscopy about 10 years later which was all clear.
I want one but never see blood, just so up and down, had the best week in ages last week after taking just one little imodium.. Only been hell since I took antibiotics in May
How old are you, if you don't mind me asking?
I'm 26 (:. Always been sensitive to milk and spices but could literally eat 10 jalapeños a year ago and not get any effect, these days onion a d garlic very much cause an incident
Yes, mine started when I was about 27 (I think - long time ago now). It often starts around that time of life for some reason. Have you been under a lot of pressure or anything?
Yeah to be honest I bite my nails terribly and one got infected to I took Flucloaxillin and three doses absolutely wrecked me.. Can't say it was that for sure cos I got 10x worse last year after stress... Have you ever had a five month flare up?
I don't have flare ups, mine is everyday.
That must be rough but I feel like mine is too.. Literally not one day goes by without something. Does imodium work for you?
Not really, it kind of has a knock on effect the next day, so I try not to use it.
I'm very sorry for this :(. I genuinely dread that my life will be this forever but thankful that these days it's a one time done thing. Cut out so much of my fave stuff
The thing with living with IBS (I'm not saying that yours will not go away though) is that you change your perspective on life and you get so much enjoyment out of the little things you can manage to do and it doesn't take a lot to make you happy.
Already seeing this! The most ordinary things are treasures... Just can't help but think about the unnecessary hindrance
Sorry for interruption, had to go to the loo! Yes I know, it's harder when you are young and want to get on with your life.
Was it everyday since you were 27?
Before I had my son nearly 27 years ago, it was about every other day, but after he was born it has been every day except for the odd day here and there.
Exactly like me severe infection salmonella. On antibiotics for a week and since then I've. Under control mostly now by just taking 1 noratryptaline 10 my once a today. Post infective IBS they call it. It's horrible good luck

How long did it last for ya?
Until I saw a private gastro consultant and he gave me noratryptaline but still have occasional bouts now 2 years on