Been following the fodmap diet for 10 weeks under supervision of dietician. Saw no improvement for 7 weeks, then had a brilliant week with practically no symptoms. Saw dietician last week, was suffering a flare up, and despite that she felt that it was helping due to my good week. She advised to start the reintroduction phase when symptoms had subsided, but here I am nearly two weeks later still feeling bad. My question is, can diet really be helping when I’ve only had one week out of 10 symptom free? I’m desperate for some relief, so am carrying on in the hopes that I can progress to the next phase, next appointment is end of October, so time to find out?
Fodmap advice: Been following the fodmap diet... - IBS Network
Fodmap advice

How would you have been over the last 10 weeks if you weren't on the diet? You don't know, nobody does. It is possible that a part of the diet may be working, but overall, it doesn't seem to be. The big question is what else would you now, he trying? If the answer is nothing or you don't know, then you may as well carry on with this diet plan until you can arrange to try something else. Unfortunately with IBS, everyone is different and that is why it is so hard to beat.
What was your diet like?
My diet, initially, was everything boiled or grilled, no vegetables, no salt and pepper, no onions (not even to cook with), the only potatoes I was allowed was boiled or mashed. My food was, tbh, absolutely disgusting, until I , slowly added stuff, so that I can, now, eat virtually anything. Obviously, I avoid, peanuts, sweetcorn, and a few other trigger foods. The weird thing is, every time time I have had an operation, I have had to go back to basics and try everything.
Found food that made me sicker like nitrates in ham and meat certain food irritate me more then others but what i found is I have flare ups and good days I have days with headaches and low grade fevers had the diarrhea for a while so what I did is I take 1 high grade kratom pill aday all natural plant based from the coffee family diarrhea stopped and a lot of the initial cramping has stopped, I am at least manageable and much better. The vasovagles have stopped as well. But you have to get it from a reputable place to know what your getting is the real deal and nothing else added.
Hi Booth29
I see in one of your replies the kind of restriction diet you are following but it is not clear what the protocol is. If this is you're dietician's format I would ask for science/study evidence on it's effectiveness.
I only mention this because my own experience as a SIBO sufferer has shown there is a wide range of advice from so called experts that I have seen regarding diet...most of which is unfounded, and ineffective or downright damaging!
I am a vegan which makes food choices more challenging because of the FODMAP's but have found my present nutritionist/GI support the Monash University research. They have a nice iOS app (and android) which I use extensively. It covers animal food sources too. I see you have to pay £7.99 these days for the app but I would still recommend it (Just for the record - I have no association or get any financial benefit from this app).
My present team supplied me with a great booklet produced by Dr Schar foods (not a propaganda publication) called "Low FODMAP Diet, for IBS". You can get a free copy following the email link on this page
It is filled with information on IBS, FODMAP diet plan, 3 stage process - restriction, reintroduction & personalisation and breakdowns of FODMAP types in particular foods. There's also and easy to follow reintroduction protocol with suggested types, quantities, diary and what to do in the event of adverse reactions.
Its working for my particular condition, hopefully it might work for you too! Good luck
Hello. Foods map does help. Identify what it is that affects you and omit those items from your diet. In my case no one can tell me what it is but the. Ido nit have flare up often when it does oh! boy! It makes up for lost time I loose consciousness for the pain! Sugar is a killer - always remember that. Good luck