Anxiety aggravated IBS: Im told my IBS is due to... - IBS Network

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Anxiety aggravated IBS

Beckybecks1 profile image
28 Replies

Im told my IBS is due to chronic anxiety. Ive recently had a huge amount of tests done really more for my reassurance than anything else. Also had a colonoscopy and endoscopy. All clear results.

I follow a very healthy diet, have been tested for food intolerances and avoid those foods too.

So I have nothing to be anxious anput, no horrible diseases have been detected.

So why do I still have IBS symptoms. I dont know what else to do.

Any suggestion

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Beckybecks1 profile image
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28 Replies
jojokarak profile image

You just answered your own question in the first sentence... You had all these tests done for your reassurance!!

Anxiety causes ibs, you need to try stop worrying about the pain, symptoms you will in time find what eases your pain and will become easier to deal with

Beckybecks1 profile image
Beckybecks1 in reply to jojokarak

Thank you and I know you're absolutely right.

I only wish I could find a way to ease the symptoms apart from with meds.

jojokarak profile image
jojokarak in reply to Beckybecks1

Look into reiki, yoga, something relaxing even knitting I like to clean and dance away the pain 😊 I like to walk as well and I will place a small hot water bottle on my belly, earphones on and go 😊

You just got to do what relaxes you x

Beckybecks1 profile image
Beckybecks1 in reply to jojokarak

I'll try all of those! My problem I think is that having health anxiety I can't bear to have any symptoms, even a twinge.

But you're right, doing something to take ones mind off the pain does work. I'm getting my knitting out right now 😊

jojokarak profile image
jojokarak in reply to Beckybecks1

If you need a chat anytime just throw me an inbox x

I do understand anxiety but I had to let mine go as I have had numerous problems and I just give up worrying not much to worry about when you're life been saved by a stranger after they pass away and I get a life saving transplant x

I on borrowed time now 😁

Jlcmama profile image
Jlcmama in reply to Beckybecks1

Sorry for the later reply but I have suffered from healthy anxiety for 15 years. I’ve thought I’ve had every type of cancer and it got to the point where I’d break down and cry and go to the ER and the doctors a lot and cry to my mom (lol). This made my IBS so much worse as any little new thing I would google and become anxious that it wasn’t normal. I started seeing a therapist and was put in citalopram and it has helped a lot. I wish you all the best!

Beckybecks1 profile image
Beckybecks1 in reply to Jlcmama

Thank you for sharing. I too have had health anxiety for many years now. It's totally ruined my life. Every little twinge becomes magnified and the mind goes into overdrive imagining what it can be. Google doesnt help! But I find sharing with fellow sufferers on forums like this one does help because we all understand each other and give each other reassurance. I did do a CBT course some years ago which definitely helps but you have to put in alot of effort and keep up with the exercises. I didn't of course! I think I need a permanent therapist to move in with me, I must drive my husband crazy.

Beckybecks1 profile image
Beckybecks1 in reply to Beckybecks1

Has the citalopram stopped your anxiety?

Jlcmama profile image
Jlcmama in reply to Beckybecks1

I drive my family crazy all the time! Lol and it hasn’t stopped it completely I still get my anxiety sometimes but no where near as bad! And yes every little pain I had I thought it was cancer

Beck97 profile image
Beck97 in reply to Jlcmama

This is like me I feel like every twinge I get I am googling and thinking the worst!! I recently went to the doctor and they did blood test and tested for everything all came back fine. But since then my ibs has flared up for last 4 weeks and I’m in discomfort with stomach and trapped wind. And my mind is doing overdrive thinking maybe it’s something more serious like cancer! I’m so scared!

mary53 profile image

Hi Sorry to disagree with your other replies. My husband was told for years that his IBS was due to anxiety and I am sure it was in part> He was constantly worried about where the next loo was btu he has found the FODMAP life changing. He does at times eat food that dosen't agree with hime but that's fine as he knows what will happen and doesn't do it when he has to travel on tube etc

Beckybecks1 profile image
Beckybecks1 in reply to mary53

I have questioned my diagnosis of anxiety and only anxiety related ibs. Doctor says its NOT food related. Why then do some foods cause more problems than others? Im told that after this five month flare-up of eliminating so many foods for fear of causing more symptoms, of not eating enough or at all, due to loss of appetite due to anxiety and fear of eating full stop, I have caused my stomach to become extremely sensitive and I have to gently re-introduce all these foods to recover.

Its a hard slog though, mostly just trying to overcome the anxiety caused by the symptoms.

As the Doctor says, this is not a simple disorder with no simple solutions unfortunately.

weegmack profile image

Has anything sparked your anxiety? Did something happen? Or do you have Generalised Anxiety. I have GAD and Health Anxiety and you can’t just let go of that. You may be anxious for reasons you have buried and don’t actually know about. I think it would definitely worth asking the GP for a mental health referral.

I totally understand how frustrated and horrible you’re feeling. GPs often get the root cause of IBS wrong, so it’s always worth exploring other avenues. In the meantime, be kind to your guts. Introduce foodstuffs slowly and eat little and often. Please inbox me if you need to talk xx

Beckybecks1 profile image
Beckybecks1 in reply to weegmack

Thank you. I've had GA and HA for many years. Together with five years of being financially unstable and moving to three different countries, it's to be expected that I'd have some physical symptoms which is obviously the IBS.

I know I need some therapy but living in South Africa it's very expensive.

It does help to chat to people on this forum though.

Thank you.

Calliope62 profile image

I can recommend Autogenic training. I did a six week course and it has changed my life. It's different to meditation - which I could never get the hang of. It's a sequence of mental excersises which, once learnt and practised, enable you to reach a state of calm - a bit like the standby switch on the TV. I was able to get a referral on the NHS.

Beckybecks1 profile image
Beckybecks1 in reply to Calliope62

Thank you, I will look into that. Unfortunately I live in South Africa where these things are quite costly.

jalapeno1234 profile image

Im here too and had a moment of enlightenment yesterday as i keep blaming my IBS flareup on antibiotics i was on but then realised I was on some 2 years ago and was 100% fine. Ive been through a breakup, financial struggle, exams, dissertation and friend troubles ALL within the same week - I do definitely see a correlation, however it doesnt stop it from being hell - hope youre ok

Beckybecks1 profile image
Beckybecks1 in reply to jalapeno1234

Thanks for your reply. It helps to hear of others with a similar situation. Not that I'd wish this on anybody.

I've been through a rough five years with chronic anxiety so I suppose I can expect it to affect me in some way. I feel sure if I can shake the anxiety I'll recover. Easier said than done though :)

Harley1020 profile image

Hello, I had two years of chronic IBS-D and had lots of tests. Eventually, diagnosed anxiety in the stomach and was prescribed with Amitriptyline 10mg, a low dosage anti-depressant which was a life saver as my problems disappeared. I take tablet at 9pm in the evening. Initially, experienced constipation on this tablet but took Sunkist Prune Juice (Holland & Barretts), 255mls once a day which always works. Good luck with resolving your IBS problem. Take care.

Beckybecks1 profile image

Thank you. I've read about IBS being treated with antidepressants but no doctor I've consulted has ever suggested or prescribed them. Maybe I should ask when I next see my doctor.

Do the Amitriptyline have any other side effects? Do they help with anxiety?

Harley1020 profile image

Hello, sorry my reply stated I took 255mls of Prune Juice if I had constipation from taking Amitriptyline 10mg - I should have said '155 mls' of Prune Juice. Apologies for this error.

Harley1020 profile image

Hello, the Amitriptyline was prescribed by my Gastroenterologist, after I had received all my tests which came back ok. I asked her if I could try them as I had seen someone's information online that stated they had resolved their problems with IBS. The prune juice is good if you have constipation on these tablets (you might not) and the only other side effect I have is dry mouth overnight but I take a pint of water with the tablet at 9pm and this has resolved the problem. Sometime my mouth can be dry in the morning but as soon as I have a drink it goes away for the rest of the day. My whole life has changed since taking these tablets and I no longer have my IBS-d nightmare problems which also included being sick. Fingers crossed your doctor will prescribe them as it is a low dosage and they do work. Take care.

Marygulliford profile image

Hi. I've had IBS for years. I think we all know if we've got IBS, which you seem to have. Anxiety is a chicken and egg moment, which comes first!? I take anxiety meds from doctor (not for everyone I know) - look after yourself and find out what suits you. I wish you well x

Beckybecks1 profile image

Thank you and you're so right...chicken or egg, which comes first? I haven't figured it out yet.

I do take Lorazepam for anxiety but not regularly as I dont want to get addicted to them. But certainly they do help and all pain disappears, so of course I know its anxiety that caused the symptoms. Just haven't worked out how to get rid of the anxiety for good yet...

torcol profile image


IBS, IBSD and C are in all actuality terms given for a medical condition with no known medical cause. Physicians ( like any other practices) can only go by the information supplied by the patient. After performing all of the standard tests required to diagnose the symptoms gathered from the patient the physician makes a determination. If Liver, gallbladder, pancrease, colon, intestines, bile ducts and acids are all determined to be within normal range but the patients symptoms continue the physician must make a determination based on those findings. Patients get frustrated when told they need to make “lifestyle” changes vs a form of medication as they are still experiencing symptoms and feel the physician has not met their needs. Anxiety, panic attacks, ptsd and a slew of other terms are all categorized as “mental disorders”. That’s another type of physician. Many patients cannot fathom that gut and brain can be and in fact are connected. Let’s take a look: Have you ever hit your toe on the coffee table at home? Have you ever hit it so hard that tears came to your eyes, you saw stars, you immediately felt sick to your stomach and had to sit down? Why did you see stars? Why did your stomach get queasy? You hit your toe for gosh sakes, that has nothing to do with your stomach or your eyesight? It’s the brain transmitting information that it is being sent by other parts of the body. Look at your brain as the switchboard, it receives and sends signals all day, everyday, every hour, every minute, every second of every single day and you are the operator. If you repeatedly send a negative signal everyday, every hour, every minute, every second of every single day that signal will have the strongest charge. All of the other signals lose charge due to lack of use. As we age so do all of our physical and mental body parts. After years and years of repeated negative abuse it is safe to say we need to re-boot the switchboard. A negative signal will produce a negative body reaction whereas a positive signal will produce a positive reaction. Therein lies the answer and the prescription; lifestyle change. As I tell many, only you can punish your body and only you can reward it. When all physical tests diminish the possibility of a serious medical condition bask in the glory, don’t look for trouble. If allergy tests rule out food intolerances jump for joy. Eat, dink and be merry, don’t worry, be happy

My best to you

Beckybecks1 profile image
Beckybecks1 in reply to torcol

Thank you. Very well explained.

kay-os profile image
kay-os in reply to torcol

quite right, when you're stressed your gut shuts down because adrenals kick in flooding your body with corticosteroids and other hormones to send energy to muscles for fight or flight. If you don't use that energy it causes inflammation in your gut and elsewhere, then more stress ad infin item. UK GP's don't have a clue, they class everything as a mental disorder when the problem is often emotional response to trauma. Trying to get help from them causes more stress. The drugs they offer are damaging long term and just 'feed' the pharmaceutical companies.

tmjourney profile image

Well IBS can happen even when you aren’t stressed! However, I notice whenever I get the least bit stressed my stomach is first to suffer. There’s some good things I’ve found to get a flare to subside when I’m not stressed.

Throat coat tea by nature medicinals (I know I says throat coat but the ingredients are great for stomach).

Lots of veggies -clean diet no caffeine alcohol etc

I take this organic digestive enzyme after every meal -all natural coats stomach and helps things move along. It’s called comfort zone digestive enzyme.

I hope this helps ibs is a real b.

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