Any suggestions on how and what to eat during a flare up ? I've ibs-c and haven't been able to poop for 4 days. It is slowly killing my mental balance how much ever hard I try to be calm and cautious about my diet.
Ibs-c flare up. : Any suggestions on how and... - IBS Network
Ibs-c flare up.

And I'm following a low FODMAP diet and have cut out dairy, gluten, veggies and fruits that are known to cause gas & bloating. But it is tough to cut out soluble fiber I'm used to eating a minneola orange every morning even though I do know that during flare ups it is best to cut out soluble fiber. Any suggestion on what to eat that would keep me full and recover would be extremely helpful ?
Movicol half works for me.
I see a biofeedback nurse and she prescribed anal irrigation. I'm not using it everyday now but at one stage I couldn't go at all without it.
Hi auntie an,
I hope all is well with you,
We have communicated in the past discussing our symptoms.
I still irrigate, generally every other day and have done so for a few years now. I do a full flush, is it the same for you? I have heard of some who do a partial flush.
Is your a full system flush? How long does it take? Typically I take almost an hour in total, with 3 or 4 “flushes” with probably 1 to 1 1/2 liters each time.
Not a lot of fun but it avoids a lot of discomfort which would be felt without flushing.
Kind regards,
I don't know what the difference is. I use 600 to 700 mls of water each time. It takes about half hour. Since I had the results of the stool test and have been on high probiotics and also Chinese medicine, my bowel movements have been much better. I can't always empty my bowel so that's when I irrigate. I hope you find some help soon. Regards
I've had IBS-C for a couple of years. Three weeks ago I started taking a probiotic called Alflorex. This week I have started to see a great improvement in my symptoms. I highly recommend them. I've also been taking 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in water each morning before breakfast.
Hi Rita,
Prune Juice (not from concentrate) really works for me but it has to be not from concentrate and 100% pure prunes. This is the only thing that gets things moving,
I swear by it and have to take it daily.
It’s called Benefit drinks, cleanse. 100% prune juice. Here is the link
Waitrose sell them but discontinued and then could only get online. Appears they have stopped online, but sometimes they come back. Not that easy to find but amazon sell it for slightly more money. I buy batches of 6
Hi Rita90. Do you take Linzess 290mcg? It will work. I have the most severe form of IBS C diagnosed at the Cleveland clinic and on SSDI so bad Also BUY - intestinal formula #3 from dr Schulz. It will make you go every day go to his website. Changed my life!! Also psyllium husk every day. And I take opioids and I go every day
Please do this Rita and you will never ever have a problem going to the bathroom Eating any meat will make matters worse and no gluten or dairy if you can 😊💛
Pharmacies in US don't sell the recommended medications (movicol, alflorex, linzess which is quite expensive). Might have to try ordering online. Anything that is sold in the pharmacy here which might help ? I could use the loo yesterday but I'm back to feeling sick and constipated. I've been taking herbal laxative Senna and sometimes this Indian laxative triplaha..and I try my best to eat well and cut out anything that could cause a flare up. And thank you so much for all your help. It means a lot to me.