Well, all along we thought that ibs was my problem. It turned out my organs were not getting enough oxygen or blood flow. Was scheduled to have large intestines remove as they had stopped functioning. Didn’t know why. I’d been having this problem for couple years. Tried everything.
Had both kidneys operated on and after every test to check heart I came through them with flying colors saying my heart was fine, no problem. Then three days later with neck ache and nausea in the night woke me, as it had for 8 months, did they do a cath and found my aorta was blocked 98 percent. Heart stopped during cath. It was widowmaker. My cardiologist said I was a miracle. Within less than a year I had two separate kidney repair surgeries and then after the last six months later open heart surgery. So thankful for answers finally.
Wonder if anyone else experienced anything like this?
I’m really new to this and tried to figure out how to get to other topics. I guess I’ll repost if I figure it out.