Hi there,
I’m not sure if anyone can help me here but I’m struggling a lot with Diarrhea.
Since the first week of jan this year I’ve had an ‘urgent’ feeling of needing to go to the toilet. I’m a nanny and have to take the children to school at 7:40am and it’s usually around 8am mid-drive that it kicks in. Sometimes I have to turn around and run back into the house, sometimes I can talk myself out of it - depends on how urgent it is. When it’s really bad, I get hot on the inside and cold on the outside, and can’t figure out if I should drink water, open the window, or just let all he’ll break loose and just soil myself. So far, I’ve managed to avoid the soiling option.
I sometimes become really nauseous as well, but sometimes that comes on it’s own without the Diarrhea.
I was self-medicating with Imodium for the first two months, thinking I just caught a bug or something. Then it started getting worse and I was also constipated (from the Imodium) but still getting the urgency and sometimes Diarrhea would come through.
I’ve been to the doctor and had stool samples come back clear. They advised I shouldn’t take Imodium (day six without and struggling), I’ve tried Colpermin IBS relief and don’t feel they’re doing much. The doctor didn’t say much else to be honest, didn’t even hint at what they thought it could be.. so I’m not feeling confident in them right now.
From home, I’ve tried the following:
Waking up earlier and doing yoga to kick start - it’s definitely kick started but prolongs the ‘attack’.
Changing my water bottle.
Cut gluten out for 2 weeks.
Reduced tea and removed coffee/carbonated drinks for the past month or so.
I’m on day 2 of a dairy free diet to see if that helps, but not too sure when I should see results.
Also on day 3 of taking biomel, a dairy-free probiotic drink.
I’ve also started listening to anxiety relief music in case this is somehow factoring into the problem, though nothing in my life has changed, not even a tiny bit.
I’m having blood tests this Friday to test for bacterial infections or deficiencies.
Feel like I always want to cry out of frustration as it’s really interfering with my day-to-day life and all I really want is a solution.
If you’ve made it this far, thanks so much for your time, I’d really appreciate any advice at this point!