So upset: Literally just come out of the doctors... - IBS Network

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So upset

Star1993 profile image
20 Replies

Literally just come out of the doctors for my ibs and about how just to get to work everyday I have to take Imodium since November. I’m stressed out to the max right now and I’m not coping great. And his response was it’s fine to take Imodium everyday and sent me on my way. Sat in the car crying. Having a bad day and struggle to see the light at the end of the tunnel..

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Star1993 profile image
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20 Replies
Mikegen2 profile image

I feel your pain, I've had very similar doctors. I've still yet to receive anything that has helped my IBS. It can be so frustrating at times. Today has been hell, feels like someone is inflating my bowels with a foot pump and I can neither break wind or burp to release it. It just stays there all day. Tomorrow will be the same. Its just a case of waiting it out and hoping for the best. Sorry I cant be more help, but please know that you are not alone.

Star1993 profile image

No it’s comfort just to know your not the only person going through this. Really sorry to hear of your situation. Hopefully one day someone will come out with a miracle cure and it will all be gone. We can only hope

Mikegen2 profile image
Mikegen2 in reply to Star1993

I dream of that day! I'm sure you'll be the same as me, everything new you try you always think THIS one will be the miracle cure you've been waiting for. Then nothing happens and depression sets in. The joys of IBS 😉

annel73 profile image
annel73 in reply to Star1993

I cried in the doctors surgery today, he asked me what he wanted him to do. I begged him to help me as I have no life and I am fed up feeling shit. He has put me in for a scan of my gallbladder, apart from that just get on with things, so you are so not

Star1993 profile image
Star1993 in reply to annel73

So sorry to hear what your going through. I feel like there is no comparison with doctors for what we go through every single day. Before I have finished they are always opening the door.. All we can do is take each day as it comes.. xxx

Nikki1995 profile image

Work on finding out the food that is making you go to the toilet and cut it from your diet it helped me so much, I can’t even go near dairy now or I’m straight to the toilet. Try a change of Doctor I seen 7 doctors before I found one that was actually helpful.

Nikki1995 profile image

Also a great book is IBS for dummies really helps if you are new to it all

Kilgh profile image

It might be time to get some counselling or other emotional support. Doctors don't have time to hear our fears or frustrations. They just prescribe drugs. You need to vent a bit. Many countries allow you to Skype a counsellor.

Star1993 profile image

Thanks you for your comment and recommendation means a lot right now

bburzycki profile image

Find a new Doctor - Plain and simple. Also possibly look for a good nutritionist that specializes in gut related issues. Actually find a good Dr. that can refer you to an appropriate nutritionist.

I have battled gut issues basically all my life with no answers, I should win a nobel prize in patience and hearing the words "nope nothing wrong here"

Good part is we are now in the era of massive GI research going on and many are finding some relief. I have no idea all the specifics of your case but stress will 100% snowball all gut issues. Hopefully they have rules out the major potential issues already. If not Def find a new Dr.

AGood profile image

Hi Star1993

I feel for you, I’ve been in what sounds like a very similar situation myself. I just thought I’d reply and let you know what works for me (however, we are all different). I take a low dose of amitriptylene 20mg, initially this was given for migraine prevention after everything else had failed. I have found though that it really really helps with my ibs symptoms. I also use magnesium oil on my skin, I have no idea why but this combination has calmed my ibs down to a level that I can cope with and life has changed dramatically for me. I still have to be careful with “trigger” foods but I feel the best I’ve felt for a long time. Wishing you well 🌻

I’m new to this site. I see lots of people take immodium daily. I don’t like the idea of taking it everyday but I understand that people take it just to carry on with their day to day lives, It is a desperate situation. I really didn’t know so many people suffered so badly!!

Socaleer profile image
Socaleer in reply to

My doctor says too much imodium causes osteoporosis. I also use it often. Trying to cut down.

in reply to Socaleer

The more I read the more I see this is a complete minefield. So many people with the same problem and yet so many different ways of dealing with it. Unfortunately it’s not a one treatment treats all remedy!!! So comforted in a weird sort of way that other people have similar experiences to me. Sorry I know that doesn’t help but I have been given so much food for thought since joining here yesterday x

Star1993 profile image

I know I shouldn’t take Imodium everyday but honestly I would not make it out the door for work. The doctors I have seen have never suggested anything to help me all they say is do a food diary which I have done so many times which amounts to nothing. Thanks guys for all your incredible advice I will definitely put all this into action. X

sg25 profile image
sg25 in reply to Star1993

Hi. The gastroenterologist who I saw on a number of occasions, and for various procedures, was such a lovely and understanding person and said to look on Imodium as your best friend. She said there is absolutely nothing to worry about taking it on a regular basis. Hope this helps. Getting you out of the door and living as normally as you can with IBS is the main issue.

Whitesugar profile image

Your doctor should refer you to a gastroenterologist to have other causes eliminated if this hasn't been done already. As I have said on this site before, I am taking medication for Bile Acid Malabsorption (BAM) and it has changed my life after 40 years of unpredictable diarrhoea. My consultant said that many people are diagnosed with IBS incorrectly. I didn't have the SeCHAT test, but went straight for 'trial of therapy' after a raft of other tests came up negative. The site has a good explanation. I feel for you after my life was totally ruled by this condition for so long. Good luck.

Ernest2 profile image

First silly question is have you had trouble in the past (And any diagnosis for that).

For the current problem have you asked for a referral to see a Gastroenterologist?

After that a nutritionist may be useful (Gastro can hopefully arrange that if its required)

Wishing you well,


Newtothis22 profile image

Some GPS are curt and business like. Imodium=problem solved. Please don’t take it personally. Ask for referral to Gastroenterology. Emphasise actual symptoms and those not alleviated by Imodium. I was in 5 mins or less when I last saw a GP. It feels a dismissal but they are under intense pressure and we can feel overlooked. You deserve care and advice tho

Star1993 profile image

Thank you for all your comments. Picking me up. Taking in all the info and knowledge your sharing with me X

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