Hi all, just wondering if any of you have tried Symprove to help with your IBS? If so, what was your experience with it and your opinions on the product? Thanks 😊
Symprove?: Hi all, just wondering if any of you... - IBS Network

Yes i got symprove after a extremely bad case of ibs after antibiotics and to tell truth it made me sicker? I have no idea why it just tasted really yeasty to me and quite acidic which when ur stomach flared up that kind of aggravated it ....
I stopped after about 2 bottles and started just taking bioglan gut flora and it all started getting better?
I was told to always change ur probiotics just so ur gut doesnt get to used to it and it gets different strains of probiotic.
I have had bioglan, holland and barratt, cytoplans, natures best... there all good
I got on really well with it. The people were very knowledgeable and understanding. It is expensive but you can save money buying a course. I took it for over a year until I needed to travel and as it’s a liquid it got difficult
Hi I had constant diarrhea (up to 15 times a day with little warning) for years and was at my wits end. Symprove was mentioned on here so I looked into it and although it's expensive decided it was worth a try and nothing else seemed to work for me for any length of time. After 2 weeks my symptoms had improved greatly and after 12 weeks my movements were normal and I have my life back. It's now been 3 months since I last had any I'm still OK. I'm sure it won't work for everyone, I guess it really all depends on if your issues are caused by a gut bacteria imbalance but it certainly worked for me.
I also took Symprove after I had the antibiotics . It made me feel very sick. Unfortunately it made me feel so much worse : the nausea got terrible and I had to stop it.
What antibiotics did you take. I'm getting ready to take Xifaxim. Did they work for you? What was your experience?
I see ..... no I didn't take Xifaxim. I guess you re planning to take it for SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth) ? I guess that's why you're taking it ?? I had to take ABs because I had a severe Helicobacter Pylori infection for which you have to take mega Antibiotics i e Amoxacillin plus Clarithromyzin. But it took 7 months after the AB Eradication Therapy until I got better and Probiotics didn't help but made it worse. I believe Probiotics may be a good idea in the future when they understand the subject better (that could take decades) but at present taking Probiotics seems like a shot in the dark (they don't yet understand the Microbacteria in the Intestines yet therefore they don't know yet which mictobacteria strain would be beneficial for whom. They're just starting to learn to identify the different strains but aren't yet far advanced in this area.
What is Symprove? Curious
It's a probiotic Frilly - a cocktail of gut-friendly bacteria meant to reinforce and top up those already living in one's gut. However what I've read is that once our immune systems have developed in infancy, they will reject any new types of bacteria that didn't make it into our gut before that time. So the probiotic bacteria can only live a few days inside us at best, unless they are of a type we acquired in infancy. Nevertheless, they can help one's digestion till they die, and if you're lucky and they do happen to replace a strain that you used to have and that were killed off completely in your body by antibiotics or something else, then taking them could provide benefits that last even if you stop taking the probiotics.
I tried Symprove Natty. Didn't help me, if anything I got a bit worse while I was taking it, and I gave it the full trial period recommended. I liked their online support group though. It seemed like it helped somewhere roughly around half the people I saw leave feedback on it there, or a reasonable proportion anyhow, it's hard to remember exactly. It came recommended by my NHS dietitian as one of the best available at the time, and I think she gave me a leaflet that provided me a slight discount. My understanding is that with probiotics, different people find different ones helpful (and they might not help some of us at all). My dietitian strongly advised me to try as many other brands as I could face trying rather than just giving up on them, but I haven't tried any others and in the end I've largely cleared up my IBS with other types of treatment, so possibly no probiotic would have helped me.
i have not tried symprove but while doing a bit of reading online i came across a probiotic called vsl3 it is recommeded for ibs and in trials it came out a lot better than symprove i've been taking it for a couple of months and have seen a good improvement its not cheap i thinks its about £50 for a months supply but to be honest after trying alsorts it was worth a try.I think the ibs network were doing a free trial if you join them they also have a bit more about it too.
All the best Treez