Has anyone experienced weight loss with an ibs attack? I haven't passed blood or anything in that nature or loss of appetite just had a couple of loose stools that's all. But I have been stressed alot at work recently. When I mean weight loss I was 21st 11lbs weight myself this morning and I am 21st 1lb that was over 2 weeks
Ibs and weight loss: Has anyone experienced... - IBS Network
Ibs and weight loss

Yes, most definitely, It has significantly destroyed quality of life. Have lost 100 lbs in one year. With help with dietician and nutrition shakes (Boost, Ensure) have gained 4 lbs in one month. Have you tried Bentyl or Levsin for pain and cramping? Your weight loss does not seem too bad..how tall are you?
I am 6'1 but I am probably the thinnest 21st person you would see cause I don't look it I am also hypersalivating aswell
6'1 and 21 stone (295lbs here in U.S.) is actually normal weight range. With me, I am 5'5 just gained 4 pounds which puts me at 123lbs. Which is way to thin..and I look malnourished, which makes things worse and unkind comments. I used to weight 186lbs. Have you tried Nutrition or protein shakes? I Will have to look up "hypersalivating"..
Yes! I had a extreme flare about 18months ago after a bout of antibiotics messed stomach up i went from 140lbs to 114lb in about 8 weeks, 2 stone ....
i couldnt keep anything in at all either ends.
Im 5ft 8 so im tall for a women so i just looked ill.
I saw a gastro and a naturopath where i was told the antibiotics had killed my gut bacteria the good gut bacteria that lines ur stomach.
So i gave up all sugar, yeast, alcohol, gluten for 6 weeks but then started taking loads of stomach supplements, i took probiotics, digestive enzymes, peppermint oil, dida tablets, vitamin c...
Ate loads of chicken and turkey and just spinach and greens and veg and within 6-8 weeks i was ok and i could start reintroducing all the food back even though i chose to stay gluten free as i realised i had suffered alot with bloating and bread and gluten was my culprit.
It now 18 months later and im now half stone heavier and look alot healthier.
I know il nevee get bigger as i have cut out bread and alcohol and in general it trained me to eat healthier so was a good thing.
I still take all the supplements as it help my stomach i have had no flare since
This is great news! I'm so glad you found something that works. 👍☺. I am on disability, and have no transportation..so have to rely on a case manager to take ne, so I am on limited time at the grocery store and am unable to read all the ingredients..so I am sure I am eating Gluten..Carrageen, and all the other bad stuff. 😳. It is difficult for me on a limited income to afford supplements, but do you mind if I ask what digestive enzyme and probiotic you take and if I can get online?
Yes i use natures best , there reasonable. The digestazyme and there probiotic very good they will last a good couple of months so ur not buying every month or i wouldnt b able to do it.
When i go to the supermarket i make my way straight to the veg, meat, then to the “ free from” section so i know anything there is usually all gluten and dairy free. I just never touch bread at all even gluten free as it still has yeast in. All ur basic are there ie cereal, i get crispbread as i like the with hummous and peanut butter. Plain crisps. Im fine with. It was mainly bread
I am familiar with Nature best, but can you tell me the name of Probiotic and enzyme, as Natures best makes several products..☺ I am in United States, so no "free section" in grocery store, but we do have a supplement isle. The Did a tablets I found on Amazon. A bit expensive, so I will have to save up..
With the dida tablets only take one every other day make them last longer 👍🏻.
The digestive are called “ digestizyme 60 tablets” and the probiotics are called “ acidiphilous extra 4 billion 60 tablets”
Thank you. I did try a supplement with just acidophilus in it..I think it's called one true daily..or something like that, but not effective for constipation. I heard VSL 3 is probably the best strain for constipation and BB-12. I will try the digestive enzyme you mentioned it ask Gastro what he might think is best..so many out there..it gets confusing. Heard Optibac Probiotic is good.
Yep there good or cytoplan
I have ibs constipation to and it does help me keep regular. It keep all ur gut healthy so u should start goin once a day.
I only went ibs d when i was poisoned with strong antibiotics
I am convinced since when I was on IV antibiotics with severe cellulitis in both legs it's buggered me up
Yes!!! My naturopath and gastro explained why it happens.... they explained it as this “ imagine ur gut is a garden and u have a lovely lush garden of lovely colourful plants but a few weeds and every so often u weed and they go and it all lush again... when u have antibiotics it like weed killer it will kill the infection in ur body but it also kills all the lush flowers and ur left with a awful brown dead garden so u need to regrow all the garden again without the weeds( the infection)”
I know it strange but it does make sense!
Basically antibiotics kill ur infection but it also kills ur gut bacteria.
So u need to get the gut all healthy again.
They gave me this natural diet to do for 6 week at first it was so hard but then i felt so much better after a week i never went back really.
So u cut out all sugar, yeast, fungi( mushrooms) processes food and gluten.
Then u build immune. So u need probiotics, digestive enzyme, peppermint oil capsule, dida tablets, vitamin c.
Do that for about 2 months and ur b good ...
I have had no flare 18 months!
I still do not eat gluten and dairy as i know it upset my stomach and i found it really easy in end.
See I wasn't told this I was on the strongest IV antibiotics for 2 months then after that 6weeks of flucloxacillin then 4 weekz on another no wonder my gut is buggered
They dont tell u as gp do not recognise this it is called candida or sibo.
U just need to give ur gut a overhaul and get ur immune up
The cytoplan or Natures Best? Sorry ☺ x
It really is ur choice ... price wise and bang for ur buck natures best is cheaper and u get more for u money but what my naturopath suggested to me is never stay with just one and buy one with different strains of probiotic( acidi, lacto, saccre) in them each time so ur guts always getting new good bacteria and it will tell u what it likes ie one may give u abit of a stomach ache or one may give u the poops blah blah.
I have never had that i been able to take all of them and my gut loves it but at first my gut didnt .... the bad bacteria tried to fight it and i was constantly on toilet but after about 2 weeks the good bacteria won the day 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼!!
Any probiotic is good u just have to stick with it at first. I never spend alot of money on them!
U must alway remember u must NEVER take them with anything HOT as it kill the bacteria before it get into ur gut and at first take a couple a day. Also keep in fridge it just better at that cool temp.
Re digestive enzymes always take with food as it help to digest the fat and break down food to help u digest it all.
So does peppermint capsules
I just looked up cytoplan..are you talking about cytoplasm digestive enzyme? Looks like cytoplan makes several different products. It looks like it has to be prescribed and then it said "only available in UK" I'm in the States. Then it Said "Fullscript cytoplasm by cytoplan is now available by prescription in United States. I guess I have to have a Doctor's script? Do you know if I can purchase online anywhere?
It called cyto-zyme digestive enzyme supplement there £22.50 gbp. They will deliver to usa they calculate shipping at end.
Cytoplasm i dont know what that is i looked it up and its about stem
Cells think u must be looking at wrong thing.
Nature bests ones are called “ digestizyme”.
Also a good one is bioglan gut flora
Okay, I will look for a website where I can order it at..having trouble. Not on Amazon where I usually order from..
What about natures best site do they deliver to america.
It hard as obv im in england so i can only give u english ones but any are ok , as long as there high potency and have a good write up.
I went to Natures best naturebest.com typed in cyto-zyne..but it didn't give me anything. Will keep trying..
Nope ur getting confused cytoplan is a different site and brand! If ur looking on natures best there no cytozyme on there
Cytoplan go in and search.... digestive enzyme then probiotics there.
Natures best is a different site and diff brand so there have there own digestive enzyme and probiotics.
If u give me ur email il send u pics and info.
There are alot of american ones that are just as good and prob easier for u to get hold of.
Jarrow?culturell, renewlife
I just been on amazon america and the renew life ultimate gut flora have great right ups all the stuff u need and it quite cheap
Jarrow femdophilus? Can u get that in america
Yes, I think so..but it only has one strain..looks like a probiotic and not a digestive enzyme. I will pm you my e-mail. I went on Natures best and it said digest-ezyme, but only in UK dollars. I just e-mailed them to ask if they ship to USA..
I have emailed u ... pics of what i use and another substitute for them
On amazon america.... so u dont have to order from england could b expensive post and packaging
I just saw it on Amazon.com. The Jarrowfemdolophis..but it said it was for vagina and UTI issues. I am going to give up..lol. Thank you, though..☺
I think ur getting confused il help u out
Thank you..I took Senna last night and have been up since 4am and running back and forth to toilet all day..I'm exhausted from all of it, and have not been sleeping well as of late. It's now 5pm my time, and I think I am finally done on toilet. Still have my coffee maker to clean, dishes to do..shower to have. I just want to go to bed..😳. I'll check back on here tomorrow..thank you for all your help. You can e-mail me if you want or pm me..I'll check tomorrow..xx