Feeling fatigued and 'sickish': I was wondering... - IBS Network

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Feeling fatigued and 'sickish'

Betty30 profile image
25 Replies

I was wondering, would especially like to call upon seniors as well as others... if you go through periods in which you just plain feel SO tired and SO sick like--non specific symptoms, except for feeling crampy for a couple of hours after some bowel movements...

No harsh pains, just mild nausea once in awhile. Its probably being older... in my 'younger days' with ibs, I could handle is SO much better...it was annoying but it didn't ever really make me feel really tired or sick. Anyway, thank you anyone and everyone for your replies. It's appreciated.

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Betty30 profile image
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25 Replies
Picasso10 profile image

Yes,I get like this every now and again but I try to be patient because it always goes away again.As you say,probably because I'm getting older.I'm 73,soon to be 74 in a couple of months.What makes it worse is bevause I'm mow on my own having lost my wife who was my soulmate and helped me through everything.Try to be positive in the knowledge it will soon pass.

Betty30 profile image
Betty30 in reply to Picasso10

Thank you, Picasso... I really appreciate your reply... You are SO right about the positivity...SO right! It's hard... I extend love and sympathy to the passing of your wife... Take really good care and have a relaxing wknd!!

Picasso10 profile image
Picasso10 in reply to Betty30

Thank you for your kind reply.Hope you've had a good weekend.

Betty30 profile image
Betty30 in reply to Picasso10

I just now saw this reply, and I am so glad I re-read your first reply...it was exactly what I needed to read. Today I have been really down, feeling sorry for myself, and sometimes a bit angry... its ok If you 'don't stay there'...and I KNOW I have to make more of an effort to 'think happier thoughts' as dorky as that may sound! :) Anyway, good wknd to you and again, thank you, Picasso.

Picasso10 profile image
Picasso10 in reply to Betty30

Thanks for your kind reply.I know it is a constant battle and easier said than done but I find the only way I can cope is to keep fighting to stay positive and try to focus my mind on pleasant things.I also suffer from COPD so I am fighting 2 battles.Try meditation.If you have a smart phone,an excellent one is Calm that is free.I use it a lot and find it helps.Have a good weekend and keep fighting!!!!

jv50plus profile image

Yes I sometimes feel nauseous, grumpy, negative and can't be bothered to do much

Betty30 profile image
Betty30 in reply to jv50plus

Hi JV, Not being disrespectful but your post made me laugh...maybe its cuz I saw 'myself in the mirror' :) It just all plain gets tiresome...so tiresome...and these 'golden years' ... well... some days are good...other days are more like tarnished brass! :( You take good care and hang in there, which I'm gonna to do! THANK YOU for your reply!

calista profile image

Hi Betty.

Im a senior and like Picasso almost 74.

I get nausea too after food mostly in the a.m.

I put a lot down to stress as well as age and also my husband has dememtia so it can all get depressing .

Probably trying to rest more would help as well as trying to keep up any outside interests even though it can be hard to motivate when ibs interferes.

I hope you get more replies and help/advice.

Will1234 profile image
Will1234 in reply to calista

Hi Calista,

Just saying a hello from Will. Seriously though, the nausea is awful, as you know.



Betty30 profile image
Betty30 in reply to Will1234

Hi Will, my dr Rx's me Zofran...generic name is Ondansetron...it REALLY helps... Also 2 homeopathics: Carb Veg and Nux Vomica are very helpful. Good luck to you!!

Betty30 profile image
Betty30 in reply to calista

Hi Calista, THANK YOU and I am proud of you for keeping up your outside activities...that is what I need to do MORE of and lordy only knows I need to exercise more!! You have a hard row to hoe taking care of your husband, I know... just please take good care of yourself, too. Once again, thank you, Calista...hope your wknd is a good one.

Iesgobdafydd profile image

You did say seniors and others, so.. I'm only in my 50s, but my IBS usually went hand-in-hand with fatigue, right from when it started. I thought I was getting 48-hour viruses, but the main symptoms were just fatigue and mild gut discomfort, not even to the point of nausea. I now think the whole thing was caused by TMD - muscle tension in the muscles connecting my bones, which couldn't release when I relaxed because of physically "stuck" bits, not because I was currently stressed. I am working on clearing it up, and the IBS has only triggered noticeably once in the last few months and only mildly then, so a vast improvement. I'm no longer needing to spend whole days in bed either. Of course your IBS might have very different causes.

Betty30 profile image
Betty30 in reply to Iesgobdafydd

Thank you, Les.... , I appreciate your reply... I am starting to get better again... I really have to work sometimes with my 'mental state' and make sure I don't concentrate on it and always get scared of the Big C word... :( not good... I need to get back to meditation because it really helps me...funny how I can just avoid those things I KNOW help me... old as a person gets, you still keep learning!! :) (which is good :) ) Take care!

Haper10 profile image

You have my sympathy as I am going through something similar, it's worse than when I was younger, with pain and feeling sickly too. Hope you come out of that bad phase soon.

Betty30 profile image
Betty30 in reply to Haper10

Hi Haper, Yes, I am getting better. One of the hardest things to do is not just to 'freeze in place and get scared and concentrate on it'.... and to stay positive...I have to 'lecture myself' quite often! :) Take good care and have a good wknd!

queenidvb profile image

I am 60 and have had IBS D for many years. I have always managed it, worked and led an active life as possible. However as I get older I am experiencing nausea and days when I am just tired and feel unwell. It is so difficult as I still work and don't want to take time off sick. Doctors don't really want to know. It's very frustrating but I suppose I just have to get on with it.

Betty30 profile image
Betty30 in reply to queenidvb

Hi Queen, THANK YOU for your reply... I appreciate your taking the time to reply...I am starting to do some better and SO grateful. That's true...we just have to get on with it --but it sure as heck helps to feel better!! Take good care.

Tilly1312 profile image

When I feel nauseous and bloated or just uncomfortable I lie on my bed and listen to guided meditations with headphones, with in half an hour I feel much better. For me it’s about relaxing and getting my mind in a better place. It can be a bother when I have visitors but they all know my condition and support me.

Betty30 profile image
Betty30 in reply to Tilly1312

Thank you, Tilly. I KNOW your suggestions are helpful (but putting them to practice is even MORE helpful! :) ) and I am so glad you have supportive and understanding friends!!

WoolPippi profile image

yes. I contribute it to bowel movements being a big issue for the body and thusly involving the bodily stress system. Cortisol, adrenals et cetera. As you age your adrenals get less resilient, this already starts at age 25 but gets noticable in your 40's.

By supplementing cortisol I counter effect this. (Is a dr.'s presciption, specific for adrenal insufficiency). When I get it wrong I have to wait until my adrenals can cope again. They can be supported by protein (hello nausea), vit. C, salt and no stress.

Cortisol levels determine stomach acidity. Low stomach acidity often causes nausea, especially after eating. I aid this by acidifying my intake (drink lemon juice or diluted vinegar. Take a HCL pill with food.) Taking digestive enzymes. And eating easy to digest whole foods (egg yokes, gelatine, broth).

Hope this helps.

Betty30 profile image
Betty30 in reply to WoolPippi

Thank you! for your reply...I seem to be slowly getting 'better' again... I tend to be low on sodium and have been skipping taking my pink Himalayan pink salt sole' ... and have been less active...all which proved to be NOT so good!! Anyway, all the replies made me feel better and am so thankful for them. Hope you are having a good wknd.!! :)

peterfromlondon profile image

yes im the same , im 64 so is it an age thing?

Betty30 profile image
Betty30 in reply to peterfromlondon

Hi Peter, thank you for replying. You know I'm not really sure...however when I was in my 60's I was doing ducky dandy! At least there was a 'difference' and not such a persistent awful feeling... everyone is different (needless to say!) and I know that my own negative thinking, at times, has a not at ALL good effect on me. Good luck to both of us. Take care! Have a good wknd!

Mamabear52 profile image

That is just me, I’m 66 and have suffered with IBS to varying degrees for a long time, I feel so tired and just generally unwell a lot of the time, blood tests have all come back normal. I try to go to the gym twice a week just to keep going but find it makes me feel worse instead of giving me a boost and I don’t do anything too intense either. Last night the pain was so bad I went to a&e where blood tests showed some inflammation, I was given some Buscopan and iv paracetamol and sent home but told to come back if it worsened. Today the pain is not too bad although I still feel bloated and sickly.

Betty30 profile image
Betty30 in reply to Mamabear52

Thank you, Mamabear for your reply... this business sure gets old, doesn't it!!?? You take good care of yourself and here's good luck to both of us!!

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