2 weeks into my FODMAP diet and all I eat is salad and granola...seriously. Trying to cut out all that makes me bloated- even if FODMAP friendly, and all I’m left with is salad and granola!! Really feeling it- I’m exhausted! Have friends birthdays coming up and want to go out but can’t ever find a restaurant I can completely trust to be low FODMAP. Please help could really do with some words of encouragement/suggestions!
FODMAP stress☹️: 2 weeks into my FODMAP diet and... - IBS Network
FODMAP stress☹️

Not really helpful for your situation but I’ve tried the FODMAP and not found it to be 100% helpful, some of the foods they say are ‘safe’ cause me issues and some of the food they say are ‘high’ cause me no problems. For example I can eat peppers...cooked or raw without discomfort & indigestion. However when I’m have a bad time with my stomach I only eat marmite on toast (for every meal & snack on rich tea biscuits) and am completely ok with this.
Personally it’s just a case of noting what food is a trigger and avoiding that...(mine annoying change a lot, some times I can eat a ‘safe meal’ and have a bad time with it other times I can eat something I know would disagree (can’t be good all the time) and be fine)
Just keep plodding forward...you’ll find something for sure...a lot of places are becoming more open to dietary needs especially if you phone in advance. X
I gave that diet up as a bad job before I even tried it. There were many foods I was supposed to be able to have that were not a good idea. also loads that I wasn't supposed to have that are fine.
Now I stick to a low fibre diet, though I have been adding a few extra bits and bobs just to see how they go. For instance boiled potatoes with skins are fine, ditto peas, but only the little ones. The Weight Watchers malted bread is also fine, as is the Danish white, but not wholemeal or oatmeal. Special K I can have, but not Shredded Wheat or porridge. Fruit I have to be careful with, anything with skins or pips/seeds I am wary with, if they have both, forget it.
I did wonder if part of my problems might have something to do with the flora and fauna in my gut. Still not sure if it is, but I have started using live yogurt.
Basically I reckon it is trial and error. Had it not been for my having to go on a low residue diet for the five days before a colonoscopy, I wouldn't have known it was the high fibre diet that was causing me the most grief. I have always had IBS, but mainly when I have been stressed out, certainly nothing like I have had over the last few months. I am just hoping I can make my GP understand that when I see her tomorrow morning!
Salad and granola would give me hell.
Just salads & granola is not a healthy diet. It has minimal protein which will cause you to lose muscles. Try to add a few other foods such as eggs, fish, etc.
I believe the FODMAP diet will only help IBS D. If you read the book, you will find having one vegetable e.g. cauliflower plus broccoli for example will add up to a lot of "sugar". So on a normal day you could eat one item and it not affect you. It is when you put things together they mount up. Hope this helps.
Hi SophieC22 have you got IBS D? The Fodmap diet should help. You should be able to eat bacon and egg, steak and chips and things like that. No sauce of couse but I substitute mayonaise. If your diarreah is bright yellow explore the theory that it might caused be high doses of bile. There is a "bile acid binding drug" called Cholestyramine (Olestyr). I hope this helps.
Hi, I know alot of people on the "Fodmap" diet, personally it does not work for me, as I believe it is too restricting and does not work. People can't live on just salads. You have to have some healthy fats in your diet, protein, fiber, dairy. You will see your energy come back..
P.S. I think salad would be fine sometimes. But I think it would be better with some kind of shredded meet such as Ham, Turkey, booked egg, Tuna Fish or at least something on it..maybe a little romaine lettuce in there, as iceberg lettuce offers no nutrition..