Still struggling to get enough calories so got some gluten and dairy free biscuits. The dreaded four hours later felt shivery followed by diarrhoea. Have now seen that they contain Muscovado sugar, partially inverted sugar syrup and molasses. Back to square one.
Feeling so stupid: Still struggling to get... - IBS Network
Feeling so stupid
I don't know if you are interested in the fodmap diet, which has helped me quite a bit. If you are, there is a very comprehensive book called "The IBS Elimination Diet and Cookbook>" It is by Patsy Catsos, and is available on Amazon. The recipes are to involved IMO, but the general info. if very detailed.
Four hours? Have you looked into SIBO?
Hi Forestina,
I do sympathise, it took me years to work out that sugar, and in particular, sucrose, makes me ill. I get a similar reaction to you if I eat too much sugar. What is happening is that the excess sugar goes undigested into the bowel, and the bowel then pulls in water from surrounding tissues to 'dilute' the sugar. Add to that additional activity from any bacteria and yeasts who can utilise sugar and bingo!, my skin is grey, dripping sweat, shaky to the point of almost passing out, and extreme diarrhoea. At it's worst it is like a shock reaction to losing so much fluid from your tissues. I am then wiped out for about a week.
To manage this, I monitor my sugar intake very carefully, and that means reading labels and cooking from scratch. My limit seems to be about 15 grams at any one meal or snack. Even so, occasionally I slip up. One small biscuit or small scoop of ice cream is pretty much my limit. Oddly, I find I can use honey in moderation, but that is largely fructose, so this is what I use in cooking and baking. Might be worth a try?
Best of luck,
Thank you so much.
I really hope it helps. As with so many people on this forum, it is trial and error and finding what works for you. I have had a problem with sugar since being a kid, it was only about 5 years ago that I recognised the issue. I suspect is is the lack of the enzyme sucrase, but have never been tested for this. I am well into my sixties now. BW
I know, it takes practice, but worth it when you know your triggers. I get the gurgly guts too, but just ignore it.
Maybe we bumped into one another for a reason. See I posted about my wife having anxiety, and a huge symptom of her specific anxiety is a gastritis
I think the gut flora can affect your mental state. My troubles started after a course of antibiotics. I too have pushed people away when I am at my worst. It has been five months now and it is a struggle. Sorry I don't have a miracle cure all I know is that I really appreciate those who have cared and stood by me.
I’m not asking for a cure or anything, but it’s been about the same for us. The hardest was when she just started developing stomach problems we are fairly sure her gastritis is caused by a stomach ulcer and so she can’t really eat anything but bone broth and aloe
Am I guessing that she is too anxious to go for tests? That is so hard. I too self diagnose even though I know it is not the answer and has also impacted on my self employment.
Yea she is! They’ve said it’s gastritis but they aren’t sure whether it’s an ulcer or not. The thought of them sticking a scope down gives her anxiety. Setting up appointments gives her anxiety. Then her anxiety gives her anxiety. Then we wind up with relationship issues, which files her anxiety. Me being my calmest has resulted in her saying that she wants to cut me off from her anxiety. Not because of how I can get angry, but because she can’t talk to me about when she’s having anxiety because I can’t talk to her and not feel sad. She cut me off because I care. 😔
I love her and I just want to help but she feels like she’s hurting me also.
Dear Forestina, increasing weight whilst you have diahorrea and allergies is horribly hard. I have made it back up from 7 stone to 9 stone 10 and I am 6 ft tall - but it has taken me 23 years.
Try this for a meal (for 2 people)
Stuff a poussin with a few sprigs of thyme. Grind black pepper, a little salt and paprika on the skin. Put in a dish and pour about 1/2 a pint of water round it. Roast in the oven for 45 minutes on gas reg 6 (180C).
Add veg to your taste. I like fennel, which settles the stomach; kale for lots of vitamin B and I cook pearl barley with bacon, mushroom, butter and chicken stock for about 20 mins and have that with it.
The whole thing is really quick and if you keep the bones you can make soup with it (just add carrots, anything from the onion family if you can tolerate them, celery and water and boil for about 30 mins. That is your stock, to which you can add anyting you can tolerate. Without the bacon and barley, this should give you around 500-600 calories. With the bacon and barley, you could probably get close to 800 calories.
I hope this helps.