I’ve had IBS symptoms for the last 18 year but had asked my gp for a referral as I have had enough of current ongoing symptoms, lots of frequent rumblings and gurglings in stomach and bowels, lots of wind (up and down), spasm like feeling in right side, very unsettled feeling in the mornings and a constant feeling that my guts are angry/unhappy. The whole thing has had a big impact on my life, I feel very anxious and down and it’s effecting my social life and my life in general.
I’m just wondering how your initial consultation went. What was suggested? I really want to get to the bottom of this (pardon the pun) but I’m very nervous what will be suggested, especially the suggestion of a possible colonoscopy, the thought of that procedure and the prep scares the life out of me, especially as my GP(who was reluctant to refer me) said a colonoscopy has big risks attached!!
Thanks all.