Post Infectious IBS: Hello all, new here and... - IBS Network

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Post Infectious IBS

wueagle25 profile image
23 Replies

Hello all, new here and desperate for help. Been battling horrible GI issues for 4 months, every test imganable and told I have post infectious IBS. Thought I was turning the corner, felt great last week then bam it came roaring back this week. Anyone else know if that is how it goes? Also, been concerned over having a bunch of yellow stool. Anyone else have that issue as well. I had my gallbladder removed over 10 years ago (FYI)

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wueagle25 profile image
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23 Replies
Lulububs profile image


Can i just ask if u have been on antibiotics lately?

wueagle25 profile image
wueagle25 in reply to Lulububs

Not since december

Lulububs profile image

I just ask coz the yellow poo thing and the ibs that there sometimes not all time....

I have ibs that was brought on by antibiotics...

I always had a bit of ibs then i had these really strong antibiotics and they messed me up really badly. I was yellow pooing, one min i was ok then not.

I went to a gastroentologist who sent me to alergist/ nutriotionalist and i had something called candida overgrowth brought on by antibiotics.....

He told me what i had to do to kill it and get better and i did it for 8 weeks and i got better.

I did also find out i was cowsmilk and gluten i tolerant so gave them up to.

Literally within two weeks the poo went back to normal and my stomach started to feel almost normal.

wueagle25 profile image

what did you do for candida?

Lulububs profile image
Lulububs in reply to wueagle25

Well they expained that antibiotics kill infections but they also kill all ur good gut bacteria to so u have to replenish it.

No sugar or yeast as this feeds candida/sibo. Clean eating.

Also a good probiotic x2 a day. A good digestive enzyme so u can take in food( that what yellow poo is) it just ur gut not being able to digest.

I did that for 6 weeks best thing i ever did.

I have stuck to it really. Not much sugar anymore. Cut out bread totally. I just dont like it now...

i went dairy and gluten free and i been free of ibs symptoms 8 months

Fpharmd profile image
Fpharmd in reply to Lulububs

Thank you for posting this info...I’m praying that I try this and find some relief as well

wueagle25 profile image

mri, ct, 2ultrasounds, small bowel mri, stool tests, every lab imaginable, colonoscopy, upper endoscopy. Never had any confirmed food poisoning I will say I had a heavy week of beer drinking the week before I got sick but woke up on a Saturday, went for a jog and then mid day had upper GI pain hit me. Just progressively got worse from there and has been going on for 4 months. The last 2 weeks I felt like I was turning the corner then the beginning of last week it came roaring back

Lulububs profile image
Lulububs in reply to wueagle25

Beer!!!! Yeast.....

Mine came on after i had been drinking beer and bread!!!

When do u find it worse?

Mine was always after beer or bread or pizza all stuff that yeasty and doughy and just bloats u.

If u have no gallbladder u should b taking supplements to break down fatty foods as ur gallbladder does that....

So u need digestive enzymes and strong ones, some probiotics will help to.

wueagle25 profile image
wueagle25 in reply to Lulububs

this all came on after a heavy week of drinking beer. Go better but after drinking beer it flares up silly. I mentioned Candida to my GI doc and he brushed it off

Lulububs profile image
Lulububs in reply to wueagle25

Yeh some dont recognise it lucky mine is young and is into different therapies and different things, she recognises there are other things that it could b not just a illness ... she hit my problem straight away.

I kinda knew i had prob with bread and she hit on it straight away with all the antibiotics i have taken.

Unfortunately i have got rid of the candida and pain but it has given me ibs so i still cant eat bread and yeast and gluten and dairy but as long as i stay away from it i wont have problem.

pajohns profile image

I take a brill probiotic which is meant to be good for yeast and I've seen an improvement in my symptoms. It's called Saccharomyces boulardii. Im not 100% this is what's caused my improvement but the only other thing I'm taking different is vit D.

It's a really easy one to take, it doesn't need to stay in the fridge (I forget to take those ones) and it's not stupid expensive.

pajohns profile image
pajohns in reply to pajohns

Also to add, I'm pretty sure my ibs came on post-infectiously but I've had years of trouble on and off since. Make sure you get the help you need now and try some probiotics.


I had very similar issues and they lasted 2 years and I still have bouts—they are few and far between. Are you in the UK or ?

I am in the US and would be happy to share what’s worked for me and helped me turn the corner.

wueagle25 profile image
wueagle25 in reply to

I am in the US. I will take any help I can get.

in reply to wueagle25

Here’s my number- I think I can help a bit— just so long to explain


I should be around after 1:00 Central time!

Lulububs profile image

I went no sugar, no yeast( no bread, no beer) just looked at all packets made sure low sugar and no yeast. I literally made all my own foods

I took probiotics, digestive enzymes and something called DIDA! From

Holland and barratt

Main thing is no sugar and yeast as it what the candida / sibo lives on so u have to starve it.

After a week i could actually see it coming out in my poop, it was disgusting...

But after 6 weeks it had gone ..

I still take all the supplements just to make sure gut stay healthy. Never went back to eating yeast or breads .

Pretty much gave up sugar still to.

It was awful never felt so ill

Magicstar profile image

This could be my story, had a stomach bug with the rest of the family, theirs lasted 2 days mine was every day for 3 weeks then diarrhoea st least 3 times a week needing a whole pack of Imodium to stop it. Had lots of tests then saw the consultant who said it could be down to having no gallbladder even though I had mine out 10 years ago, could be the bile acid. He put me on Questran and I felt better immediately, still have one day a week where it is quite loose but definitely not diarrhoea.

wueagle25 profile image
wueagle25 in reply to Magicstar

Ive got welchol. Would you have a lot of gurging, pain nausea? Esp at night?

sisterhood profile image

Have you been checked recently for c. Difficile? It can show up as late as 10 weeks after antibiotics.

Clare0116 profile image

I had my blocked gallbladder removed 9 yrs ago and have been told my bile duct will function as normal and no tablets needed. I have had severe digestive/metabolic/weight gain problems for 20+ yrs, which are only partly resolved. I had not considered that my recently diagnosed gluten and lactose intolerance might be connected with no gall bladder? It is an idea worth investigating.

sjc2016 profile image

Hi wueagle...... have you been tested dor bile acid malabsorption (BAM)? I sufferred for years with chronic diahorrea and yellow stools and was told post infectious ins until about 4monyhs ago. I had seen numerous gastrointestinal consultants over the years and kept getting told the same thing! And then i asked once again for a referral to another hospital where I was immediately referred for a sehcat scan.... It came back positive for BAM. Since then i take powdered medication daily and am totally fine! I am eating anything i want, including foods i never thought i would be able to!!!! BAM is also more common in people that have had their gallbladder removed so definitely worth exploring! Hope this post helps and best of luck in finding some answers!

dg8867 profile image

Hello, I feel for your troubles. I too, once had post infection I.B.S, and there can be a light at the end of the tunnel for you. 1st thing is to try liquid imodium AD.("check with your doctor if it is ok to take, due to your gallbladder being removed- i am not a doctor")- I suggest a small teaspoon with 1 of your main meals per day to relief any diarea issues,then gradually take less imodium as time passes as you feel better. Another important thing that really helped me was drinking KEFIR, which is a liquid type cultured yogurt milk. It is a natural yogurt with high amounts of very much needed good bacterium you need to replace from infection and any antibiotics you may have taken. Kefir is much better than over the counter probiotic supplement pills, as it is a live culture and not a dormant powder in pill form. It can take awhile to replace your good bacteria so give it time and in weeks too months time you should be feeling better. Last thing is be careful with the imodium as too much can cause constipation and troubles with relieving yourself. As i said i started with a teaspoon with a meal per day but changed the frequancy as i felt i needed to, to go regularly. Maybe take some once to twice per week if your having troubles, and only you can find this out thru trial and error . I hope this helps you and anyone else who needs help with their I.B.S. issues .

Megb610 profile image

Wueagle25, thanks for sharing your story! Our stories sound very similar (although I still have my gallbladder). 4 months ago I got food poisoning and have never been the same since. Had tons of tests done all negative. Gastro says post infectious ibs. While I read some people recover I also read others experience symptoms for years. Very disheartening diagnosis but I hope you get better!

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