A miraculous recovery then Gastro or insane IB... - IBS Network

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A miraculous recovery then Gastro or insane IBS attack!?

MinaFox profile image
4 Replies

So just over 2 weeks ago I took 1 imodium plus comfort so I could go out to a girls brunch day and eat and drink normally, and I did and it was SO great to feel normal! From then on for the next week's I was suddenly able to eat normally, I gradually added fruits and veggies back in to my diet, still ate small portions within 11am-7pm and found that I was fine, Miley constipated but I was going practically daily so I was SO happy of course! What a miracle!

On Friday night just gone I had a night out, food (fish burger and fries) and drinks and then I the next day I had pasta and another burger! That terrible hangover binge! I'm like right this isn't good I feel SO full my stomach hurts, so I go back to plain eating for the next day. I feel tired and unwell all Sunday at work, so I go to bed early. I wake up at 2am with THE WORST CRAMPS OF MY LIFE! Seriously I have never had cramping pain like it, I eventually managed to go to the toilet and I had pure diarrhoea, the kind that is just pure water, and basically these epic cramps and diarrhoea continued until 2pm the next day without a wink of sleep. Along with that I had aches and pains and I was going hot and cold and my back hurt so much, even my ankles and my fingers! I seriously started to wonder if I'd have to see a doctor as the spasms in my stomach were so bad! Eventually the cramps subsided just leaving me with aches, then come 6pm I eat some crackers and I take an ibuprofen (through the day I was sipping an electrolyte drink). My aches finally go away around 9pm and I manage to get some sleep!

Today I feel much better although I still have watery diarrhoea, and had to cancel my plans :(

So I am basically wondering did I get sick- minor food poisoning or gastroenteretis? Or was this a massive pay back from my IBS? Either way this experience can't be a good thing for my stomach, it's probably my fault for having a naughty bad food binge at the weekend and maybe a combo of bad food / badly prepped food that could make someone sick- especially someone like me! I know I won't know if it's IBS or a bug unless I go to the doctors but I can't help but wonder!

I have brand new probiotics and I am going to eat plain and hope my stomach gets back on track!

The sad thing is I had loads of plans for my holiday (Chinese spring festival) and I bought lots of fruits and veggies and yummy foods that u now can't eat eat! BUT fingers crossed this is just a blip and I'll be back to normal in no time - please!xx

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MinaFox profile image
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4 Replies
82-1 profile image

Firstly you need to have some tests done to see if you have any problems in the bowel and stomach.

If it’s ibs you can’t drink...

You need to see a dietician and look at the fodmac diet which you will find on the net and see your triggers.

Fats are no good- chops and hamburgers are not on the list until you get a diary of food you can eat.

If you suffer anxiety the doctor can help you with this also, and that will help a lot with the stomach.

So go to the docs, get the tests done so you know where to start.

Keep to plain foods, plain toast or plain cereal, little amounts, bananas are good food for your stomach and whole meal bread. Watch you milk and try lactose free milk it might help. Get a good probiotic to take and drink 7 glasses of water s day. If you have ibs you will some days have constipation and some days diahorrea. Arvo tea maybe a plain biscuit and cuppa, one coffe a day. Dinner, potato, carrots, spinach, no onions etc and fish or little meat and not s large plate just medium. Exercise walking is good. Get a good nights sleep in bed by 10.

Remember Doctors first good luck! You can get better but you need to know what you are dealing with. 😊

MinaFox profile image
MinaFox in reply to 82-1

Thank you for your advice :) I have been to the doctors and I know I have IBS! It's just that my IBS flares up so randomly, sometime ms without cause, and like many people I go through phases of being able to eat everything then nothing so it can be very hard to find out what my trigger foods are, but I do know that stress is a big trigger and fatty foods and sugar is bad for me! I was just wondering whether or not this sudden awful stomach upset was my IBS or more of a stomach bug! Just ask rhetorically really! Either way it's bad news for my stomach- and honestly I know I had a binge over the weekend so that probably was too much for my slowly recovering stomach!

But thank you so much for your advice! I am going to keep to small portions keep it plain and build on it! And I am looking at fodmap foods :) I am feeling a bit better today touch wood :)

casares8 profile image

I too have had a couple of bad episodes, in fact v bad stomach pains and even sickness. Docs say virus, but i cant keep getting virus's to stomach bugs! I think its things i am eating, and probably eat more indulgent things at weekends, then suffer by Mon/Tues. Fed up though of living on clear soup and crackers, esp as i am underweight!

MinaFox profile image

It's so hard! I took a risk today and added some different foods back in, all healthy and all should be safe-ish foods! But we will see!

Are you able to eat rice,or potatoes or Bananas? I'm sure you may have tried them but they are all great for weight gain and they are all safe foods for me! The stodge me up and rice when prepared right (cooked and then only reheated once and it's piping hot) you have probably tried these things but it could be worth trying one of them at some point and seeing if it helps at all!xx

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