Does anyone here think their stomach problems are something more serious. I can’t get the c word out of my head. As soon as I wake up I think about it, throughout the day I think about it, last thing at night I think about it. It’s crazy! I’m having sleepless nights. I just can’t imagine that my diarreah, gurgling, popping and uncomfortable feeling is just IBS and not stomach cancer or something. Pls tell me others think like this to?
Something more sinister?: Does anyone here think... - IBS Network
Something more sinister?

Have you had any tests done? Colonoscopy etc?? Did your gp feel your tummy at the last appointment? If not go back to your dr and ask about these things. If you've been suffering with bowel trouble for a while the dr should do some blood tests and then possibly a colonoscopy etc to rule out cancer.
Are you loosing weight? Have any other symptoms?
Your anxiety over this will be making your bowel symptoms worse so go back to your gp and tell them! They'll be able to put your mind at ease. And if (big if) there is something sinister then the sooner it is treated the better so get the dr to check.
Please ask your doctor to test you for Dysbiosis.
I would go back to your GP and ask for further tests if I were you,you can't go on like that. It may involve gastroscopy and colonoscopy but it would set your mind at rest.I agree worrying about it will be making the problem worse our intestines are very sensitive.Good luck.
A ct scan
I would definitely go back to the doctor and say you want the tests pajohn has mentioned. Once you know they’ve been done and everything else has been ruled out then you will be able to relax, your gut might still be bubbling away but at least you’ll know what it isn’t. Be8ng stressed like you are is the last thing you need.
Oh hun, I really feel for you. I became obsessed with it, it took over my life I was convinced I had some form of cancer. The stress makes things worse and led onto other symptoms of anxiety in the end, panic attacks,palpitations. I had tests done 3 years ago all was clear, IBS -D was diagnosed and I still live with it, daily!! I want to see my GP again soon as I’m having a very bad flare up. Visit your doctor ask for bloods to start with and just a little bit of reassurance will make the world of difference to your wellbeing. Good Luck x
Kate I have had in A for 30 years on n off. Diaorea cramps consgipation severe wind and cramps on my right hand side. IBS is a real problem. If you are so worried ask your go to send you to a specialist. Normally the guidelines are weight loss losing blood when passing a motion erg. Good uck
Hi Kate. Just tell your doctor how you are feeling and ask for a CAT scan. Then you will know once and for all whether you have anything else going on, which might need treating. If you get the “all clear” after the scan, you will be able to stop worrying and the relief will be huge.
If you get bad news from the scan, you can at least start treatment immediately and hopefully catch it early to make a full recovery.
I wish you well.
All the best, Angus
I too was in a very similar position a few years ago, I was so worried that something more serious was to blame for my ibs. Fortunately though numerous blood tests ruled out Celiac, Crohn's etc. Anxiety and stress run my ibs (OCD and social anxiety) so don't underestimate the effect your mind can have on your gut. Rather that though than anything serious so please get the tests done so you then know how to manage the situation.
Kate, I feel exactly the same as you, it’s so draining isn’t it? I feel as though I am carrying a ball and chain AND a black cloud of constant worry, symptoms and anxiety every day (which of course then goes on to make the symptoms worse). Please know your not alone, ibs is such a thief of joy 🙁
Has a anyone gone to there GP and demand tests or medications. I'm going to book one this week and won't leave till I get answers xx