New here. I've been struggling with IBS for years on and off. However, these last few months have been awful. I keep off all the known 'bad' foods but now it seems that almost anything can set off the diarrhea and stomach pain. Lunchtimes are the worst - usually about an hour or so after eating. It's getting so I'm almost afraid to go out as it comes on so suddenly. I suffer with anxiety, which doesn't help and the doc has prescribed anti-depressants which I hoped would help, but not really. Does anyone else have this problem?
Need advice.....: New here. I've been... - IBS Network
Need advice.....

Hi there - I'm LokiX &, like you, IBS & I have been together for quite some considerable time now! The really bad symptoms have been intermittent, mostly it's been reasonably controllable, but during June/July last year I had a really bad attack of what I first thought may be gastroenteritis - it wasn't! It was IBS with a vengeance. Since then, I've had problems very similar to those you describe. I did have family worries at that time which caused much anxiety &, of course, I'm older than I was when the condition was first diagnosed (possibly that factor that makes it less likely to "throw health problems off" quickly?). Now, if I need to leave the house for any length of time & my IBS has been playing up, I take a Imodium capsule. Someone queried with me if that also worked in a sort of psychological way - did my symptoms lessen because I'd taken a tablet? Truthfully, I don't care, as all I know is that, for me, it WORKS! I still have to carefully monitor what I eat, & sometimes foods that have previously been fine can bring on an unexpected attack. All ongoing trial & error. Don't know how much this may have helped you, but I find it's a great comfort to realise that someone else understands because they have similar difficulties & I'm not alone - also found that all the contributors to this site are caring, sharing, warm & great!
Thanx for the reply, I'm glad not to be the only one in this nasty state! I, too find Imodium to work pretty well, but the only downside is that I then suffer from severe constipation for several days after taking one - so between a rock and a hard place really LOL The only other thing which I find helps to keep the spasms at bay when out- and which doesn't seem to have the same drawback as constipation to the same degree - are 15mg Codeine Phosphate tablets which was a suggestion from my GP son-in-law and I get from my own doctor. Do you find Buscopan helps at all? Of course when I'm stressed the condition gets worse but of course its a vicious cycle as the condition causes the stress....
Hi - I've not tried Buscopan, but I have tried Senocalm IBS relief, which worked for me. They're not for stopping those wretched bouts of diarrhoea, but help to relieve bloating/gas/cramps. I find co-codeine, which I occasionally take when my sciatica flares up, causes constipation (no-win situation?). I know what you mean about the vicious cycle of condition & stress!! Sometimes, when it feels just that bit too much, my lovely cat gets waylaid for lots & lots of cuddles - not sure he always appreciates the attention, but it certainly makes me feel better, as does playing some of my favourite,mellow music, in the background while I get on with other things (including cat-cuddling!!)- may seem daft, but it helps me to relax a bit! I'm not suggesting you get a cat, but try the music, perhaps?
There's a lot to be said for the calming influence of animals LokiX , especially when you're experiencing physical distress.
I have very similar symptoms as you josephinemarion , mine also tend to flare up either at lunchtime, when I'm in work, or very late at night/early hours of the morning.
I start off by feeling bloated and uncomfortable, the pain starts around my back and under my breastbone at the top of my stomach, the pain builds and builds, I get an urgent need to go to the toilet, sometimes the pain is so bad I end up having a panic attack and then have to force myself to vomit to empty my stomach contents to get some relief.
More recently, I have found that deep breathing exercises help and have also taken to meditating on a daily basis to try and calm my mind. I'm aware that my stomach problems are massively affected by my stress levels, however, food high in FODMAPS plays a big part too. I'm currently in a low FODMAP diet, recommended by my clinical dietician, at the re-introductory stage.
When I feel a bit unsettled and bloated and can recognise the early signs, I take an extra omeprazole tablet (currently taking 2 every morning), give it half an hour and then take a big swig of my Gaviscon extra strength (prescribed by GP), and then walk around a bit to get some air (I find sitting in one place for too long adds to the discomfort) My symptoms usually dissipate within the hour.
Rest assured, you are not alone.
On the subject of stress and it's effects... I had arranged to see my sister today for a shopping trip near Gillingham (about half an hour away on the M2) which I always enjoy, but woke up this morning in a ridiculous nervous state about the trip!! Gave myself a talking to, took my codeine phosphate tablet and set off in my car.... OMG the trip was a complete panicky ordeal which I survived but only just!!! Once I arrived, my symptoms subsided improved considerably and I managed OK. However, of course, the trip back was a complete breeze, demonstrating once again that so much of this nightmare is psychological (have I spelt that right??) If I could only get my brain to realise that there is no reason to panic....