Has anyone tried this powder as a detox apparently it has worked wonders for people with gastrointestinal issues just wanted to get a few opinions first
Cheers ☺️
Has anyone tried this powder as a detox apparently it has worked wonders for people with gastrointestinal issues just wanted to get a few opinions first
Cheers ☺️
Hi Curtis,
I have also asked the same question but unfortunately didn't get anybody that has used it but a few that would follow the post to see what transpired, I do know that you must buy the food grade for human or animal consumption.
They do have quite a few reviews on amazon amazon.co.uk/Diatomaceous-E...
I am seeing a nutritionist at the moment so am doing as she recommends but will keep this in mind for future use, another thing to try is Golden paste there is a Facebook page facebook.com/groups/4153137...
Just in case that link doesn't work it's called The Turmeric Users Group
Kind Regards
Sorry but I have never used it.