Hi All. I am new to this, this is my first ever post. Hope ur all in good health. 😊
Recently i have been suffering from these headaches. The pain will come for a few mins and them go away. Its in the left side of my head, it alos raditaes to the temples at times. I also feel a fullness or pressure around the head and neck. This only occurs when i get up from a sitting position. It is not effecting my sleep but sometimes is there when i wake up. The pain the comes is not so severe but painful amd eventually will go away. My vision is normal i do at occasionaly feel a fullness in my ears. But thats very rare. Ive beem to the doctors, they diagnosed it as tension headaches. I feel like to pay the GP another visit. Any suggestions or advise as to what it may be? Anybody encountered any simillar experiences??? Please please advise.
Thank you in advance.