Hi I'm samantha45
New user: Hi I'm samantha45 - IBS Network
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Hello Samantha it is nice to meet you.
You also jimtom , thanks for your reply .
Thank you.
Have you come on to ask things or are you just curious about the place?
Iv recently had bowel surgery and still suffer with issues to do with this , it might be a comfort to ask questions to people who suffer the same or similar in times when no one understands what we go through , so thought I'd take a look .
Well it's a good place and people are really helpful so I hope that it helps you to be on here.
Besides the bowel surgery, do you have IBS too?
Ty , and yes ibs/diverticulitus .
It's a bit quiet on now but it does get busier, if you do ask stuff on here usually someone will come along and chat to you about it.
I have IBS but I seem to control it pretty well.
Do you also suffer ?
Yes IBS, but I can normally control it these days, I have had it for about 15 years. I changed my diet and worked out my triggers also.
Do you do anything to help with yours?

Medication , investigations still , my sister is a chronic chrones sufferer so on going tests after surgery might help other problems I hope .
Glad you seem to be in control , thanks for the advice .
You are welcome, if you have any advice to share please do if you don't mind that is ☺
You could be in the same boat as your sister then?
I'm beginning to learn trigger foods quite quickly now though and AVOID haha .
My sister has been diagnosed for some years now and is a few years younger and her disease is very advanced and she has had many many surgeries so hopefully things don't progress the way they have and did for her , but she stays very positive and helps advise me so I will try to do the same
It's good that you have someone to advise you, not good that you are both unwell though.
Yes a few , I'm still living and learning ....depends on the as well sometimes I think , sometimes doesn't matter what I eat I suffer
You can eat a lot of stuff that doesn't bother you?
Not really , all my fave foods seem to upset me atm , fruits , some veg , anything with seeds , cheese , cereals etc
My triggers turned out to be some of my favourite foods too 😥
Do you eat anything that actually helps you to feel better?
Hi, they all have the sugars in them that irritate the bowel, hence the reason you are suffering. I thought I had quite a healthy diet and I did but not for IBS 😩. Everything I loved was on the unsafe list.
Same here 😥
No food makes me feel better , I'm finding food a chore atm , if I eat I'm either running for the loo or in agony with cramps and bloating so I'm getting very unsociable to as I don't like to be out and about incase things get embarrassing .
It must be a hard thing to deal with, I hope you find something of help on here.
Do you do anything to pass the days if you can't go outside much?
I work still , I just don't eat or drink much before I go so the journey to work doesn't become a toilet stop and stay close to the toilet when I'm at work , I'm sure there are 100s of people like me I'm just fairly new at this
Yes there are lots of people on here who have to be careful about things. Have you been reading some of the other posts about this on here?

Yes iv browsed a few
Have any of them helped you at all?
Ty lynnetod all advice is usefully ty .