Hi, after 3 year of various IBS-C mostly related issues and a long list of medicines & lots of supplements & a lot of stress I would say my condition so far is almost back to normal. Issues started 1 week after a course of antibiotics & it felt like my whole digestion etc pretty much came to a halt. I never like the idea of lifelong course of medication so like many other carried out numerous searches & trial & error on supplements. To cut a long story short it pretty much became very hard to pass a stool without the use of linaclodtide but sometimes it would work, others not & there was no knowing when it would strike. I then did a 21 day course of raw goats kefir, along with acacia senegal & also cut out all raw food. Very early days still I know, but the last time I needed to touch any medicine was 2 weeks before Christmas and that is by far the longest gap I've had in over 3 years.
Products that worked for me.: Hi, after 3 year... - IBS Network
Products that worked for me.

Hi! May I ask if you take probiotics or digestives enzymes or have done in the past?? I have been given linoclotide for a while now and have found it of no little benifit to me. After your 21 day course of kefir have you had to use it again or is this time recommended as a kick start? Acacia is something I have not heard of so thank you! As an ibs-c sufferer too, how much have you been using of this and was it under the guidance of a naturopath, herbalist etc. Look forward to your reply as suffering so much at present xx
Hi Yes,
I take these Oak Tree Probiotics 50Billion CFU& also Nutrikal Colon Maintenance,
Nature's Life, Betaine HCl & have taken Therelac as well. I just had the one course of raw kefir but I will probably top up again in a few weeks. It worked out around £48 from chucklinggoat. For the Acacia senegal Tummy Fibre I just have around a teaspoon max first thing in the morning sprinkled over some fruit & soaked nuts with some water added. With the probiotics & digestive enzymes I just have those every now & then as I don't want to become to reliant on them. I have added in a bit more raw food now & also eat quite a lot of tempeh & cold sweet potato for insoluble fiber I think a lot of the remedies are quite individual, optibac probiotic did nothing & slippery elm made me worse. I also have L-Glutamine & make bone broth & cut out all alcohol during the healing process & restrict it to occasional now. I did this through my own research thanks
What wonderful news! Thanks for sharing.