I've been for a general haematology appointment today to see if my lymph cell count needs further investigation as it's been over the limit since at least January this year. my current level is 4.7 but the range is 4.0.
My consultant thinks it's inflammation and possibly to do with my Bowels after asking me questions about my symptoms. My appointment with the colorectal and Gi Medicine (I also have Fatty Liver Disease) is next week and i have to go back to see him in 6 weeks to see if/how my Colorectal appointment went and to see if that confirms the cause of the raised Lymphocyte counts.
Whenever i've had a CRP blood test and i've had symptoms (a lot of the ones you get for IBS) there has been inflammation and when i have the CRP and no symptoms then there is no inflammation. based on my last CRP test which was negative for inflammation i was referred to Colorectal with the bases that i had IBS but it's just occurred to me that IBS doesn't cause inflammation and therefore that must not be what i have ( I also googled it and it also states there that IBS doesn't cause Inflammation)
I was tested for Crohn's disease and that came back negative so i have no idea what it could be now especially since i have a lot of symptoms in common with IBS.
Can anyone give me advice and also if anyone has been for a colorectal appointment can you please let me know what happens as i'm worried i've gonna have to have a Colonoscopy and god knows what else.
Thanks, Nikki