i myself suffer with ibs its terrible at times i find i carnt leave the house to early on a morning as go to the loo sometimes twice before i can go out i have two part time jobs so i have a break between each of them i couldnt cope with having a full time job with having ibs does anyone else have same problem
ibs problems: i myself suffer with ibs its... - IBS Network
ibs problems

Hi Joannie, I use to have this problem, but now because of sleep probs I am up quite early, I normally leave it for about two hours, and then I take a Colpamin tab and then wait another hour or two and take another, and then I am good to go for a few hours. Do you take anything to help you. Not everyone gets on with Colpamin, as its Peppermint, and makes some feel sick, but it works for me. Hope your day gets better. Take care.x
Maybe speak to your doctor about a condition called dysobosis, look it up and see if you could have it. Wishing you well
This made for an interesting read. Many thanks for the word.....
I cannot cope with having a fulltime job, I have missed many days of work , and now I am on a daily pay and off my contract. I don't think working partime would help either as I never know what hour or day my issues will start. how do you work two partime jobs? Are the evening jobs? I would like to be put out on disability and my current doctor just keeps giving me different meds. does not care that iam missing work and losing money. I work in public education in a class for special education and its very difficult to go to the bathroom at times.
Weirdly I'm usually ok at work. There is a toilet block near to my desk and it's the sort of job where you can slip off to the loo when you like, you don't have to wait for a break etc. I find this helps my anxiety which in turn helps my ibs, what sort of work do you do? Can you manage your symptoms at work (ie dash off to the loo when needed) or is there a lot of pain too?
Yes suffering quite a bad bout of it myself at the moment but am lucky that my job doesn't start till 10am so I can be at my worst at home, my job is customer facings too which makes it very hard to hide when you don't feel well.