Can't leave home: I have not left the house for... - IBS Network

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Can't leave home

Suejordan profile image
24 Replies

I have not left the house for over 2weeks now. I went to the shop and messed my self in the middle of the day. I had no control it just poured out of me I was only minutes away from home. I can't go on like this any more.

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Suejordan profile image
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24 Replies
marthaalice profile image

Oh bless you. I don't know what to say. Others on here can offer advice better than me but just wanted to give you a virtual hug.

Suejordan profile image
Suejordan in reply to marthaalice

Thank you so much 😊😊

littlemissbee profile image

Bless you sue, this is one of my biggest fears but you mustn't let the fear control you. How did you cope with the incident if you don't mind me asking?

Are you taking anything for ibs and have you seen a doctor? Xx

Suejordan profile image
Suejordan in reply to littlemissbee

I couldn't stop it was raining earlier so l had a coat on had to just keep walking until I got home.i have all the test done at the hospital, colonoscopy and also the one with dye and blood tests with showed up negative for any ad normalitys. I am taking buscopan and colpermin witch do nothing. I am on antidepressants and diazepam also since my beautiful daughter passed away 5 years ago.

jackiereader profile image
jackiereader in reply to Suejordan

Email me and I will give you a protocol.thay may help.

patientj profile image

I feel very sorry for you. That's the worse fear for a lot of IBS sufferers. I've come close of a few occasions but I don't let it bother me and I don't fixate on it, but I know that's easier said than done. It sounds like you can really do with some help. So tell us about yourself and then tell us a bit about your IBS and how it started and what you've done to diagnose and manage it.

Nerissa profile image

Poor you. Try taking Imodium I do when I have a bad bout. Saw specialist years ago and he recommended it rather than all ibs drugs. Hope it helps no side effects other than not going to the toilet for couple of days. It sounds as if you need a break from going toilet anyway. Good luck

sufffering profile image

I had the same problem when I had pneumonia. I coughed so much that water just poured out of me too it was very embarrassing.

Hi sue, so sorry this has happened, It could be stress related, or diet none of us really know . My GP once told me that when you are so stressed your bowel muscles can lose control and the inevitable happens. Other than going back to your GP Hun I don't know what to suggest . I really hope you can get to the bottom of it. Excuse the pun . May I ask are you taking Colpamin evertime you have a BM? . I wish you well and luck. Take care.😬

KirstieG profile image

My poor Darling X big hugs from me.

I know how you feel... Happens to me quite often too. So damned embarrassing and you feel like the entire world is watching. I'm so sorry it's happened to you too.

I have bile salt malabsorption and colitis which means it just happens whenever it damn well pleased with very little warning.

I take Colesevelam with meals to help bind the bile salts so they don't flood the bowel with water. This gives me a few minutes grace. Sometimes I also have to take codeine before I leave the house to make sure... Like a trip into town or shopping. It stops me up, but too much can have the opposite effect.

If you've not already done so, ask your GP for a referral to a Gastro specialist... Possibly a hepatologist too to check out your bile situation.

I lived in hell and never went out for years til I got some help.

Thinking of you

K xx

I know just how you feel! Have you tried the Fodmaps way of finding out what affects your bowel? Try going gluten free and/or dairy free. I use Imodium for the very rare occasion I have diarhoea nowadays but I have been eating only Fodmaps foods for four yeArs now and am gluten and dairy free. It really works for me. You could also try using calming methods like self-hypnosis from IBSaudioprogram100.

Look up Fodmaps on Monash University or get the app for your phone. Hope this helps.

Have you tried doing your own intolerance tests to see if a particular food group like dairy is affecting you ? If you do, do it for about 2/3 weeks and keep a food and bowel movement diary to see if there are any changes

Get yourself a RADAR key and an 'I can't wait ' card. Google them as I can't post the links on here

sickandsore profile image

No you can't go on like that. Other than trying the obvious remedies like immodium, have you had any tests? have you had a recent bug or a long course of anti biotics lately? bugs can drag on for up to 3 weeks, and anti biotics can cause the gut to become sensitive and at worst c-diff which is really nasty.

My advice is go to your GP explain that this is affecting your entire quality of life, they need to run stool tests, bloods and if they show nothing refer you to a bowel specialist/consultant for more tests and a possible diagnosis.

In the meantime look at diet, look into the low fodmap diet as it helps to look at foods that could be causing your problems. Please keep drinking plenty of fluids especially if you have diaohrea.

Hope things improve for you soon, being housebound is so depressing x

Sweetie47 profile image

I have had this happen to me too, no warning or anything,AWFUL. I had been taking Imodium when having a flare up but when I went to my doctor he said that was the worst thing I could do.. He gave me Mebeverine which calms the bowel. It worked beautifully for me and wouldn't touch Imodium as that seemed to prolong the outbreak. Hope you can find a remedy that helps you.

sandybeach12066 profile image

this is my fear as well , and I cannot work when iam like that.

Bichonfrise profile image

I have kolanticon as I have the same problem. I too have been caught out and managed to find a loo to get changed. I keep underwear in my bag and wipes. Immodium works well for me and my Doc has said I can take it especially when travelling. I go away for 2 weeks at the end of june touring easdtern Europe and have got my supplies including pull ups for days travelling. I am hoping this will give me the confidence I need, as my IBS is anxiety and stress related. Please do not let this awful illness control your life. Be strong. My heart goes out to you.

runswithdogs profile image
runswithdogs in reply to Bichonfrise

Fully agree on an emergency kit. This has fully happened to me twice, with countless close calls. It sucks. It's embarrassing, and awful and quite the ordeal. And it's very hard to plan for. The emergency kit can help in the event of an accident, in my one at work I have a full garbage bag, wipes, a full change of bottoms (pants and underpants), bottle of water, Imodium....

Next time this happens, try a mantra or counting backwards or anything to take your mind off what is happening. This has bought me precious seconds before.... often enough to find the loo.

It can be hard to go out, but I encourage you to be honest with the people you spend time with. They may not understand, but it helps to speak with others about our fears and limitations, and they can help if the need arises.

Please try and go out, even if it's for a short jaunt. You don't want this building up in your head. I feel for you.

Oh Sue, what can I say, apart from I so so wish I could help. I really hope that someone on here is able to help you xx

ArnoldAx profile image

Not making the toilet is the greatest fear & I know the stress contributes to making everyone's ibs-d worse.

As with previous responses, I just wanted to reach out, sympathise & tell you how sorry I am that you're going through this right now. Ax

JanetJAM profile image

I feel so sorry for you this has happened to me a few times too.

I usually wear tena pants if im going out now it makes me feel a bit more relaxed as i know it will contain it a bit if i have an accident.

I hope things improve for you soon.

J x

sachater profile image

Im so sorry that this happened to you. I have similar experiences and come close many times and I know how awful it can be. Im still in my teens and have had IBS for around 3/4 years and it just started out of the blue. I seem to have had every test and every drug possible and nothing has worked. This only thing I would personally suggest is Imodium as mentioned before. I think im probably addicted in a psychological way to them as I take atleast 1 a day but help puts my mind at ease and stops stress. Stay strong and I know how hard it is, I didnt leave home for around 2 months after my first issue. Just take small steps and make sure you know where the toilets are when you go to a store or a new place - and maybe take wet wipes, toilet paper, new pants and trousers and a plastic bag in your bag or leave it in your car wherever you go - I find this helps me ease my mind.

Stay Strong xx

Suejordan profile image

Thank you every one for all your advice and support it really helps. Xx thank you so so much xx

pansieh profile image

Same thing happens to me occasionally and oh my so embarrassing I now take Imodium if I'm going out . Good Luck xx

Please read my earlier reply to others about Enzyme digest and also how Codeine phosphate helped me gain confidence. I could not shop as every time I went into a shop I would start relating it to the first time I had to ask for the toilet, it got worse as I could not stand in a Queue without the fear. I went on holiday to Thailand with my Husband and was caught short on the plane and literally ran the whole of Bangkok airport to get to the toilet, we then boarded a Bus that was supposed to take Half an hour to get to the hotel it took four hours of me stuffing imodium in my mouth by the packetful, I never went on a bus after that. The fear is worse than the problem so It's finding something that gives your mind something else to think about, I started to add up my shopping list as I shopped, I would ask for plane seats near the toilets and take my tablets and a travel pill which would relax me before I went anywhere that would freak me out.I now go all over the world so there is hope.Put a very thin spare pair of trousers that fold up very small and don't crease, try a sports shop for these capri trousers.. A pad,pants and small wipes in a make up bag will help with your confidence, I only carry a reasonable size handbag and It works for me.It is a step by step thing but keeping your mind occupied can help no end.I know how bad this is and my heart goes out to you,it takes over your life. Try a few things at a time and go out further each day but always where there is a toilet until you regain your confidence and push the nasty memory to the back of your mind. I hope this helps you a little and lets you know you are not alone.Eat very low fats, and try different foods to see what affects you.Eggs and bread are bad as is cheese and cream try and remember what you have eaten on the day this first happened.I actually became allergic to Bananas at fifty five years old after eating them all my life and now proteins are a problem so try everything a couple at a time and keep a food diary.I wish you all the luck in the world.


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