Another tmi post, sorry guys. (Starting to realise there's no such thing as tmi here though!)
Had a new experience this week. After a heavy bank holiday weekend drinking (it was a friends birthday) I had an awful hangover that left me in bed all the following day. I find alcohol helps relieve my anxiety which helps my ibs but the hangovers are atrocious. I was violently sick all day, couldn't keep water down and got dehydrated. Just wanted to sleep.
Self inflicted, no sympathy.
Thing is since then I've had a couple of quite pale bowel movements not like my norm (whatever my norm is these days). A very light colour which Google tells me can be related to liver issues?!
I'm hoping it's just an after affect of the weekend (won't be drinking again that's for sure) but if it persists I'll see a gp. Just wondered if anyone else has experienced this particularly after drinking alcohol/dehydration? What does it mean? I've also been really gassy so overall a bad week :/