Does anybody else suffer with Mucas in their stools? I seem to get this quite a lot, sometimes to the point where I think I really need the loo, but when I go it's only Mucas/water that's there.
Mucas?: Does anybody else suffer with Mucas in... - IBS Network
Yes I do but only occasionally and usually after I have slipped up and eaten something which affects me.
Yes, I get this lot. Mostly it is orangey in colour and I find it quite worrying but neither the GP nor the gastroenterologist seems to have ever heard of it!
I do its horrible and somwtimes like u think i need the bathroom but its just mucus. Seems to be more when iv eaten things that don't like me worst one being fizzy juice 😔 What id give for a diet coke x
Yes I frequently get it when I have exercised i.e. I power walk as much as I can, maybe 2-3 times a week. I either walk normally or cycle the rest of the time. It seems so wrong that when you are doing something that is good for you you suffer.
yes - i get this too. Seen consultant and had colonoscopy and was told I have diverticulitis and to increase fibre. Dont need to go back to consultant. But still get the mucus/water. Wear a panty liner if you are going out for any length of time - this helps in case of any embarrassing leaks xxx