Will I feel better soon? Really want to know ... - IBS Network

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Will I feel better soon? Really want to know your stories and how you feel.

makeupforever profile image
53 Replies

Hi everybody,

I am hoping somebody can reply to my message with any help or words of comfort as I am finding this really difficult. I came across this website last night and was reading a lot of your answers and it made me cry. Finally I feel like there are other people out there who feel similar to me. I am so sorry to all of you as I know what you are going through and it really is horrible.

I went to Spain with my mum in January 2015 and contracted either food poisoning or a nasty tummy bug. I recovered and was fine back at home and was living life normally for six months. Then out of nowhere, one day I felt nauseous and couldn't eat very much. A couple of days later I started to get stomach pain in my lower abdomen. It has been ten months now and I live with stomach pain every minute of every day. Sometime it gets worse (from food I am guessing) but other than that the pain is always there. My bowel movements are pretty normal, although I did suffer from constipation earlier on. Sometimes I still do but on the whole my bowel movements are fine. I still get nausea sometimes but the main issue is the stomach pain.

It really has affected me and I have chronic head pain now just from emotional stress and muscle tension that this horrible illness has caused. I realise there are others out there who have far worse illnesses but sometimes it is just so debilitating and so frustrating. Everytime I start to talk about it I cry because it is getting to me so much. I just want to feel normal again. I went to the hospital many times, have seen a specialist and done many tests: CT scan, colonoscopy, gastroscopy, pillcam etc. The doctors in the hospital and my specialist all said that I most likely have a post viral bowel infection and that it can take several months to feel better.  I was thinking of seeing another specialist.

I just don't know what to do anymore but reading some of your answers and hearing that some of you got better made me sleep a little easier last night.

I hope all of you get better soon. I know that feeling sad really won't help.

Sorry for the long message.....

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makeupforever profile image
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53 Replies
BettyA profile image

Hi there! You sound like a very nice person...so don't ever go apologizing for a post being too long, OK? OK! :)

If I were you, I would see another specialist. Not that the other dr's are 'wrong' about their diagnosis and that it will 'take awhile to heal'...but depending upon WHEN they said that, you should be feeling better by now... So for your own sake and hopefully some peace of mind...please DO see another specialist. I think that is a GOOD idea that you have.

Perhaps, also, you could ask this new specialist if it would benefit you to speak with a dietician...to see if eating/or/eliminating certain foods would help you. I'm sorry I don't know about more about that kind of post viral infection...but you should be getting SOME kind of medicine, advice, or encouragement... You deserve that! So don't give up until you do! Best wishes to you!! See that 'new' specialist!

makeupforever profile image
makeupforever in reply toBettyA

Thank you so much BettyA for your reply, you sound very nice too :-)

I will definitely see another specialist, I think you are right.  I was recommended to try the FODMAP diet and have been following it loosely, so maybe I need to be a bit more stricter. I was also given Amitryptiline but unfortunately did not notice much different. As far as pain medication goes, nothing helps at all..... I only get comfort from a hot water bottle (which I have laying against my tummy as I type this).

I was really hoping somebody would respond to my post and it was so encouraging to read your answer. Thank you!

Best wishes to you too!

angbri profile image

Hi, have you been tested for SIBO? (Small intestinal bacteria overgrowth) & please try seeing a naturopathic dr. They will help you in so many more ways! 

makeupforever profile image
makeupforever in reply toangbri

Hi angbri,

no i don't think i have, although when i mentioned this to my specialist he didn't seem to think there would be much point. yes i am actually planning to see a naturopath soon!  thanks for your response.

angbri profile image
angbri in reply tomakeupforever

I had the worst luck with GI doctors. Why would he/she say it wouldn't be  much point :/ that makes me cranky lol! The small intestine is not something they can Get to very well. There is a special breath test to detect the Sibo , it goes undiagnosed in a lot of people. Also I'm a firm believer in probiotics. I have sensitive stomach to everything including meds. & I take the Klairlabs lactoprime plus just fine :)  anyways, just my thoughts...

makeupforever profile image
makeupforever in reply toangbri

Sometimes I think you just need to see more GI doctors until you find one that really helps you.....  But I do believe a naturopath and how differently they look at the body is really a good path to go down too.  I might start probiotics again.  Thanks for sharing your thoughts

Hi, never apologise for long posts, we are all here to help eachother. Obviously this is not normal, and would advise you seek out another specialist, my friend and her Children had the same thing and it took ages for them to get back to normal, but I do remember they were put on strong antibiotics for longer than usual. I hope your pain subsides soon, and you get the answers , and results that you so need. Take care.xx

makeupforever profile image
makeupforever in reply to

Hi Blue52,

sorry to hear about your friend and your children but at least they did get back to normal in the end. That's positive news. Do you know how long it took them? I think I only was on antibiotics for a week, and that was several months ago. I will look into that. Thank you so much for your response, take care

in reply tomakeupforever

From what I recall 3months, but they had to keep changing the strength, and sorry to say with breaks inbetween the best part of a year, as these horrible Parasites can survive in your gut for a long time . Not to scare you but the mum took a lot longer to get rid of it. Did you drink the water or have ice while you was there, or the dreaded swimming pool.?

makeupforever profile image
makeupforever in reply to

Yes that's true, if I get back onto antibiotics I would probably take probiotics at the same time though. It's okay. It has already been ten months so if I am like this for another ten months I will not be all that surprised as I feel like my body is in no hurry to get better.... how long did she take to get rid of it? I wonder if she was stressed and sad about it and then slowed her recovery. Did she have the constant tummy pain like me and not be able to eat much?  I am not sure.... i did not swim, but I did drink water there. It must have been a tummy bug as we were in a travel group and two other people were sick too. 

in reply tomakeupforever

Did you mot drink bottle water' you cannot drink their water, not the same as here. Yes she had the bad cramps, hardly ate, they caught from the pool, sorry she was like it for 3 years, and was even told at one stage she may never get rid of it. But she did eventually . Apparently these parasites are immune to almost everything. Make sure you get sugar free probiotics. Someone on here told me about strong probiotics you can get on line. I will go through my posts and see if I can find it.

makeupforever profile image
makeupforever in reply to

That must have been really, really hard.  It makes me sad and I really hope it doesn't take me that long.  Was she on antibiotics for three years?  Please find out the probiotics name, that would be great.  Glad she is feeling normal now.  

makeupforever profile image
makeupforever in reply tomakeupforever

Would your friend mind if I got in touch with her?  If she had what I have it would be really helpful to talk to her.  

in reply tomakeupforever

She had Giardia, along with another, she took numerous different antibiotics. Sorry, she doesn't want to give her details out. On and off over the years

in reply tomakeupforever

Found it. It's called Dr Udos super 8, Probiotic you can get it in most good pharmacies. Hope you get better soon.

makeupforever profile image
makeupforever in reply to

Thank you.  I am not sure they sell that where I live so will have to check. 

Whoopdedoo profile image

Hi there. Just pleased you finally found like minded people. 

A couple of things to remember.

A. You're not on your own 

B. Everyone is suffering slightly differently 

C. No single cure works for everyone. 

D. Stress and worry doesn't help. 

As long as you take these on board I'm sure you will find what works for you. Good luck and ask away. 

makeupforever profile image
makeupforever in reply toWhoopdedoo

Thanks Whoopdedoo, I'll try to remember those things. All the best to you.

Salti profile image

Have you tested for Giardia?   I had it many, many years ago and it totally baffled the doctors here in UK until one young doctor at the hospital realised I had been in the Middle East and then gave the appropriate stool test and hey presto it was giardia so went through a course of antibiotics which got rid of the little horrors but, unfortunately, that was the start of my gut problems.    I was diagnosed with SIBO (small intestine bacteria overgrowth) last year and a course of antibiotics helped that though still have gut problems.

makeupforever profile image

I am not sure if I have,  thanks for the info though.  I have bad so many tests and it has been such a long time so hard to keep track! Sorry to hear of you gut issues, hope you are on the road to recovery.  Thanks for the response

Lamloum profile image

Hi there. Please dont apologise we are all here to try and listen and help each other other out . My post will be long too hope upu benefit from it though. 

After I had food poisoning from being abroad too my problems got worse and again I was not given anything till I came across some more tests worth having and sure enough it was hard to convince the doctors to test but it was productive at the end . 

I read you did a gastroscopy and colonoscopy etc.... I had these and all tests under the sun . What I would advise you to do is get tested for a bacterial infection called H-pylori if you have not yet. It affects the stomach and the small intestine .

And also there is a stool test for ( eggs, cysts, ova and parasites ) that should highlight if you have Giardiasis or any other parasite still lurking . I am afraid without treating the root cause you won't get better. I also benefited from a wheat free and dairy free diet as it seems when the guts are trying to recover they find it hard to digest the above. 

My case got worse and now I got to a fructose malabsorption situation all cause of wrong treatments and too much antibiotic treating SIBO so please do get tested for everything you can to not end up like me. ☹️

The only probiotic that helped me a bit is symprove ( original flavour as its gluten and dairy and sugar free ) But that alone without checking for the other things won't help . Another friend had all the above tests when she was away and still struggled for two years till she did the H pylori test which was positive too and once treated she felt so much better as it won't go away on its own . In my case it caused duodenal ulcers so please get that checked . Really simple breath treat and treatment is two antibiotics and PPI for two weeks ( better than 1 week that's been the usual practice till lately ) 

Good luck and keep us posted and hope you get to the bottom of this soon . 👍

makeupforever profile image
makeupforever in reply toLamloum

Thanks so much for your long response,  I do appreciate it.  I have been tested for h pylori actor but pretty sure I have not been tested for SIBO.  Yes I have heard that gluten and dairy can be hard to digest when you are having stomach issues so starting from today I have 100% cut them out.  The only thing that came up in my colonoscopy was that I had a few ulcers in my ileum (part of small intestine) but that was months ago and the specialist said they would have cleared up by now.  

I wish you all the best with your health too, thanks again for the response x

patientj profile image

Thank you for sharing your story. Like others have said, there's no need to apologise. We all use this forum because we want to help each other out.

I have spent many years wondering what caused (and continues to cause) my IBS. I am still uncertain. Maybe some emotional factors when I was a late teenager, maybe one of several cases of food poisoning, maybe even the tropical infection I contracted as a child (I can't remember if it was giardiasis or not). However, I have found that anxiety and diet are two huge, contributing factors. Getting my anxiety under control has had significant benefits, as has the low FODMAP diet.

I noticed you said you've been trying the low FODMAP diet but not sticking to it too well. I really encourage you to stick to the elimination phase for at least 6-8 weeks. Sometimes, even the smallest transgression can lead to problems that last more than a day. However, I appreciate that when you're already demoralised, it is harder still. If it helps, I wrote some advice about how to start the diet: patientj.wordpress.com/2015....

If you see my response to Myrtle81's post above, you'll see that the diet wasn't the silver bullet I'd hoped for but did make some difference.

You asked about probiotics as well. From what I recall, Align and VSL#3 are both shown in tests to help with IBS and have been approved by either the Canadian or US authorities for use in IBS. VSL#3 is more expensive, and I've heard others have had good results from using Align, which is also easier to get hold of, especially in the UK (you can order it from Amazon I think).

Finally, I'd mention drugs. You said amitriptyline isn't working for you; however, there are several other drugs out there that can help treat IBS. Unfortunately, it's often a process of trial and error (and often error), but you shouldn't be afraid of exploring these with your GP to see if one works for you.

I often think that treating and managing IBS is a bit like going to counselling or therapy. There are experts who can help you, but you also need to help yourself, by exploring alternative explanations (e.g. infection as suggested above), pushing for the assistance of your doctors when needed, and persevering with different strategies looking for the one(s) that will work. Good luck, and don't be afraid to come back asking for more advice.

makeupforever profile image
makeupforever in reply topatientj

Thank you for such an informative response.  I truly believe that anxiety can worsen IBS and just have a negative effect on the body overall....  How did you get your anxiety under control?  I feel like I have to keep telling myself to stay positive and to not think depressing thoughts but I really am just so emotionally tired from this whole thing.  I will definitely stick to the fodmap diet, and yes I have heard gluten can be hard to digest when your tummy is not at its best.  

Thanks again for your response and all the best with your health too x

patientj profile image
patientj in reply tomakeupforever

Thanks! A combination of things have helped me to get my anxiety under control: therapy, mindfulness, CBT and drugs.

I started doing mindfulness when I first started seeing a therapist for relationship anxiety issues. I found it wasn't very useful for controlling my anxiety when I felt it, but it was extremely useful in helping me identify when I was anxious, and making me realise that I'd been anxious for a lot longer than I realised: I thought the buzz I felt was me enjoying my job but turned out to be the adrenaline getting me through every day; and the body awareness exercises made me realise how tense my muscles were all the time and this, too, was a sign of anxiety.

Once I knew what to look for as a sign of anxiety I was better able to manage it, but this required me changing therapists (my first therapist and I weren't getting anywhere) and she started me doing CBT. This was much more powerful for me - I felt it was more active while mindfulness was passive. With CBT I could talk myself out of things and do more active breathing techniques which distracted me. You may find this works for you, just helping you change your perspective with things. However, I found that both CBT and mindfulness worked best when supported by a therapist. It gave me a place to vent my frustrations without having to annoy my friends all the time and have someone help watch me progress.

However, I couldn't have done it without drugs. I'm on citalopram (20mg/day). The lower dose wasn't working, and the side effects (insomnia) were almost unbearable for a couple of months, but at the higher dose it made a difference, and I was able to make the CBT work. Definitely something to discuss with your doctor. It could be that depression could have apart to play. If you're in the UK, you can get counselling and CBT on the NHS. It's not as long as you'd get if going privately (I've been having therapy for four months, now) but even a few sessions might help to change your perspective on things.

makeupforever profile image
makeupforever in reply topatientj

Thanks for such an informative response, what body awareness exercises did you do?  I have a constant headache and when I went to see the chiropractor she said I have a lot of muscle tension (most likely from tensing up and being stressed from all my stomach problems).  I am not too keen on going on drugs to be honest with you but I appreciate that they can help..... I have recently taken up a yoga class and try to go for a walk every day.  I might start to see a councillor as I don't like the feeling of venting to my family and people I'm close to.  I'm glad these things helped you,  I'm not in the UK but I'm sure we have something similar to that here.  Take care

patientj profile image
patientj in reply tomakeupforever

The body awareness exercises that I did came from the mindfulness book "Finding Peace in a Frantic World". It's a week-by-week mindfulness course and weeks two and three involve a 'body scan' and 'mindful movement'.

In the body scan you focus your full attention for a few moments at a time on each part of your body, working your way up from your toes to your head, being fully aware of any and every sensation in that body part.

In mindful movement, you deliberately do some basic exercises and focus on your body and muscles as you do them.

I found both exercises, particularly the body scan, eventually helped me to sense the tension in my upper back and shoulders, and soon I was able to spot this and other sensations while at work which was when I realised how long I'd been feeling anxious.

I now find this a very useful barometer for warning me when I am, or might be getting, anxious. Even tonight, driving home from a dance event, I realised how tight my shoulders were - this probably explained why I couldn't keep good posture throughout the evening. Then, when I combined this with the fact that I found it hard to talk today without stumbling over my words I realised that, for whatever reason, I have got a bit of background anxiety right now. I think that'll be something I discuss with my therapist next week.

Finally, on your point about drugs: I felt the same and was reluctant to take anything for my anxiety for a while. I thought they would be mind altering in some way. However, I was reassured that they weren't anti-psychotics, which are the drugs that do mess with your mind, and that was useful to know. However, I would say that it really helps to understand and recognise how your anxiety manifests itself, both physically and mentally, before taking any drugs. That way you know when they are working and whether you should consider increasing the dose. I didn't want the drugs to completely numb the anxiety; I wanted to be able to feel the anxiety from time to time so that I could then learn how to control and manage it. I think I've hit on a fair balance.

Good luck to you. Happy to answer any further questions.

makeupforever profile image
makeupforever in reply topatientj

The mindfullness exercise sounds wonderful, I really want to try it.  I am going to a class tomorrow night called Body Balance which is a mix of yoga, tai chi and pilates. That might be some help.  I think it's good that you chose drugs that didn't numb your anxiety so that you could learn to control it. Thank you for all your help and good luck to you too.

Eternity78 profile image

Hello ..have you been tested for calprotectin stool test ?? If it is positive , it is a strong indication that there is inflammation anywhere in gut and the whole treatment path should be changed.

I 'm an ibs-d sufferer too .i have been locked in my home for almost a year now because of the unpredictable D attacks ..which are really bad no words to describe this attack!!

Yes it is a cruel disease that sucks the life out of me and nothing seems to work .

I hope you can find an understanding specialist who can provide you a treatment plan that really works for you as there is no one drug or one treatment line for ibs sufferes , every case is unique

Best of luck :)

makeupforever profile image
makeupforever in reply toEternity78

Hi,  no I have not I don't think.... Thanks for mentioning it as I will arrange to get myself checked for that.  So sorry to hear about your health,  it really is frustrating.  I know it is easy for me to say but do try and go out a bit,  I think mentally it will help you.  I was at home for eight months and by the end of it I was getting so bored and upset - there was nothing going on in my life.  Now I am at uni two days a week, and back at work 4 hours a week.  Sometimes distraction  is the best thing.  All the best to you

Eternity78 profile image

Thank you for your advice :) and it is really good to hear that you have an understanding community offering flexible working hours for your situation :) meanwhile, until you find a new specialist ..may i recommand a drug called (spasmomen) to control the pain ..one or 2 tablets before meals ..it worked for me !

Also ,have you been tested for celiac/gluten sensitivity ?? It is a simple blood test .

Urine  and bladder  infections  can sometimes cause  cramps that resemble Ibs spasms .

Finally, give your  OB/GYNAECOLOGY  Doctor also a visit  to exclude any problems in your feminine  organs ( Uterus / Cervix /Ovaries).

Again, I can feel your agony ,you're not alone .. and  really wish you not just a better health but also back to normal vibrant  life 💓

makeupforever profile image
makeupforever in reply toEternity78

Spasmomen,  I will ask about it.... I was given a drug called gastro soothe but it doesn't really help so much.  The only drug that worked was tramadol (but even that couldn't completely get rid of the pain) but sadly my body got used to it and it doesn't work for me anymore.  

Yes I have been tested for celiac and also had gynaecology related tests.  Funnily enough during the test I was actually told my girly bits (ovaries, uterus etc) looked picture perfect and could be used as an example in a medical book!  Through all the frustration and tears it was nice to smile hearing something like that,  ha ha!  

Thank you for your kind words,  I'm so glad these websites exist where we can help each other out.  I wish you all the best too, take care x

sandybeach12066 profile image

I am so sorry and I understand. I am finding that most drs are at a loss when it comes to this. and they just try one med after another. I am have been suffering for years, iam 56 and at the point I want to apply for disability. I have tried everything, different meds. diets ect... they work for a while then its back to the drawing board. I hope you find the relief you need!

makeupforever profile image
makeupforever in reply tosandybeach12066

Hello sandybeach, sorry to hear about your struggles.  It really is hard isn't it.  Do you have the normal IBS or the post infectious type?  Or are you not sure?

sandybeach12066 profile image
sandybeach12066 in reply tomakeupforever

hello I have colitis not ulcerative may as well be at times. it is a struggle every day to get myself to work and act like I am ok. I also miss a lot of work.

Franco57 profile image

Hi really feel for you I had the same thing in the UK and was told it was VD3 deficiency I took the tablets for a while and they made me feel worse I moved to Spain 6 months ago and changed my diet all of a sudden I started getting diarrhoea I've lost 3 stone I 4 months I don't know where to turn I look like a skeleton can't look in the mirror everything I eat just comes out of me my wife is so concerned I have tried high calorie foods but to no avail hope you get better soon also this is the only site I look at now the others depress me I think most are written by crackpots just trying to get you to buy products they endorse

makeupforever profile image
makeupforever in reply toFranco57

So sorry to hear about your health, I feel for you.  It's so unfair isn't it.  Maybe try seeing a naturopath or Gastroenterologist?  Have you had colonoscopy and gastroscopy?  Don't give up.....

patientj profile image
patientj in reply toFranco57

Hi Franco. Out of curiosity, how did your diet change when you moved to Spain?

On the vitamin D point, it was interesting to read your experience of symptoms getting worse. There is some literature out there that says that low vitamin D is associated with IBS; however, people can't work out whether it is a side-effect/symptom of IBS or a cause of it. There are some websites where people have claimed their IBS was fixed by taking vitamin D supplements; however, I think there's more to it than that. A recent, small pilot study didn't find any definitive proof. However, thought this might explain why your doctor gave you that advice (not that you asked!).

Franco57 profile image
Franco57 in reply topatientj

Hi after stopping the vd3 I started eating. Tuna sardines and milk that contained vitamin d and I'm not sure if that started all my problems off i just woke up one morning with diarrhoea, didn't drink tea milk or coffee for 3 months ,but yesterday I went for tappas and had pork and steak and even a pepsi I thought it was a risk but this morning i actually feel OK i think we are all different i also have tried some good probiotics that seem to help also drinking tea and coffee in moderation and am trying ensure as i can't get complan out here but my weight fluctuates every day i guess I'll have to see what my new doctor thinks 

makeupforever profile image

Thanks for that Kai :)

Christine21 profile image

Hi. I have had IBS for 25 years and at this moment I am having a bad episode. The lower abdomen gets so sore to touch with constant bloating , gurgling and bubble like sensations. I go between diarrohea and constipation with cramps. It is a nightmare. I cry a lot with it but stress does not help. I am on antidepressants for depression and with someone like me the symptons seem worse. It can rule my life and I hate it. Fortunately I have a wonderful partner who is very supportive. IBS sucks badly and we let it rule us. Not a good way to live. Christine ..

sandybeach12066 profile image
sandybeach12066 in reply toChristine21

you sound exactly like me , iam on meds, see a gastro, keep changing my diet. ect. no one understands except some people on here. I hope you find your relief and if you do please share.

SKY111 profile image

I hope someone out there is reading this. I am a 26yo male from UK. I have always been a confident upbeat kinda guy with naturally slim stomach. I started to feel a pinch of fat around nov 2014. With five weeks I noticed a heavily bloated stomach and distension. 

   I was in a loving relationship with a girl from Poland. She went back for the whole of December and at first I thought I had eaten a lot. So I reduced intake of food a little bit but the bloating and distension continued. I would look in the mirror and see a huge stomach looking back at me. I then figured I need to start going to the gym. By the time I saw the girlfriend she got shocked. She told me straight away i look like an old man. I asked her to elaborate and she said the stomach looks odd. I started to feel self conscious for the first time in my life. Our relationship started to dip as i would not want be seen naked as she would look at me in disgust. 

    We both suggested going to the gym in jan 2015. It was great. We did it together and i looked a little toned but distension and bloating continued. she would warn me when it happened and it was self destructing. 

I went to the doctor and he said it sounds like ibs. He gave peppermint tablets to me which did nothing at all.  I gave up gluten but nothing happened. I continued with the gym and realtionship went very sour . We stopped having sex and i didnt want to be even near her after she kept putting me down. One day she rang me and told me she only wanted me for money and because i stopped giving her gifts etc she told me to get lost. I replied  with pleasure and deleted her contact in july 2015. 

In August 2015 I had an ultrasound of the liver. They found fatty liver . But there was no signs of anything like cancer or anything. I carried on with gym but grew with anciety as girlfriend had all the friends on her side so i lost everyone including a lot of money. She even tried to get me fired from my job but that didnt work. 

The relationship was very hard on me but i got rid of the stress. I then went to see the gastro entrologist who confirmed i have stress related ibs. He ruled out cancer . 

       He then told me to go to the dietician. So since march 2016 I have been on a fodmap diet. I changed the milk straight away to lactose free. The bloating continued throughout march but was a little better. I have now given up wheat, milk and gone on the fodmap.

  its now april 10 and i sneaked in pure whole milk the past three days and suddenly im bloated again with distension. So can anyone shed any light? 

Can one be allergic to even lactose free milk? I now think i am allergic to any type of milk including lactose free.

I would love to have the natural washboard stomach back and regain the confidence . I think the fodmap is great but i hope this is the answer. 

Eternity78 profile image
Eternity78 in reply toSKY111

@SKY111 Hi (ski 111) first of all ..i think the bad relationship experience was like heaven's message that this girl was Not good enough for you as the say tough situations in life can peel people's outer layer and show off their real personality and color of heart !!

So just be happy that the (real her ) was exposed during your sickness.

Second, ask for (Calprotectin stool test )  if it is positive , it means you have inflammation in the gut and further investigation (such as colonoscopy) should be done to pinpoint where and what exactly is this inflammation.

About dairy products , yes you can be allergic to dairy as a whole not just Lactose .Lactose is only one component of all other ingredients in the milk ,cheese , cream ..etc ..So i would reccomand to switch to non-dairy products NOT just Lactose free .

Hope you feel better and best of luck .

SKY111 profile image
SKY111 in reply toEternity78

Hi Eternity,

Cheers for that. Yes the relationship was a bad omen and I will think carefully before getting into one again. It was the first relationship I had. But she left me with a nasty surprise with all the headache dealing with her .I will check out that test and see if they can do it in UK. As far as dairy goes I have stopped all dairy except eggs as off  today. its very hard as i drink copious amounts in a day but i feel this could be the answer. After 24hrs off milk inc lactose free I dont feel bloated and stomach is not distended so lets see how i do in a week . If things do not improve i will ask for that test. 


Dancindan111 profile image

I have sympathy for you developing ibs is life changing a brutal. I. New to this page as well, in my five year journey I have seen many doctors been on medication scoped on both end done elimination diet. I learned many things about myself. One all flare ups are different sometimes it's in my stomach. Other times it's on the left or right it moves. The pain varies and so do the length of the flare ups and how often they occur. For myself and I'm sure most would agree no matter how many times you have a flare up the longer it last your mind can wonder to thinking you got cancer I'm going to die!! So on and so forth. The only advice I can give you is try to mitigate your problems by seeing your doctors eating as clean as possible and exercise along with mediation can also help alleviate your symptoms. Don't let it ruin your life!! I'm in pain right now and believe me it hurts but I went to the gym this morning made it to work and I trudge through the pain. I sometimes do truly feel discouraged but I remind myself I have this life and this life alone. I will not waste it because of this ailment. My happiness my wife and children are my drive and even though I will have to deal with this most likely until the day I die I won't surrender and either should any one else.

makeupforever profile image
makeupforever in reply toDancindan111

I really appreciated your reply and it came at a good time.  If I'm being completely honest,  sometimes I feel the lowest I have ever felt because it is so frustrating to be putting up with constant pain and not having any idea as to why my body feels like that.  It makes me feel so alone, because everyone around seems to feel just fine.  But you are right,  you have this life and this life alone.  Things could always be far, far worse.  At least you we have the luxury of having a warm bed at night, not everybody has that.  Thanks again for your reply, take care

makeupforever profile image
makeupforever in reply toDancindan111

Out of interest,  what is it exactly that gives you flare ups?  Food in general, no matter what I eat, gives me pain but obviously some things make it far worse.  And how do you deal with these flare ups?  I like using a hot water bottle, I find that really helps.  Very soothing. 

Petunia63 profile image

No you are definitely not alone. I've been suffering for over a year with the symptoms you have  describe.  I was bed ridden for a few months and lost almost 20 lbs which is what really concerned me because I never just lose weight even if I try. I had all the same tests you had.   My life was in my bedroom ,bathroom and doctors offices. It turns out that I had  H. pylori infection.   I was treated with triple therapy 2 different antibiotics, AMOXICILLIN AND CLARITHROMYCIN and a stomach pill  ( OMEPRAZOLE) for 2 weeks. I went back for a breath test that showed the infection has clearered. 

H. pylori which is a well known cause for gastritis, ulcers and other potential complications. It is a bacteria that should be treated with a combination of antibiotics and an acid suppressing agent. It is considered a Class I carcinogen meaning that it increases the risk for cancer or lymphoma if not treated. 10 day treatment is advised followed by a H. pylori breath test which will be arranged 2-4 weeks after therapy. Patient to eat yogurt once to twice daily while on antibiotics.

I also have autoimmune gastritis which is the wearing away of my stomach lining due to my pernicious anemia and IBS  (irritable bowel )

The pain is much better now and I gained some weight back.  I watch my diet as far as dairy, caffeine, alcohol, and certain other foods if I find they are a problem. I eat a probiotic  yogurt every day . 

 I could go on and on. I know I will suffer from these things periodically for the rest of my life. But getting the proper treatment absolutely helped.

 One more thing if you have depression or anxiety which I have both it definitely makes it much worse. Take care of yourself rest and I pray you find the proper help. 

makeupforever profile image
makeupforever in reply toPetunia63

Thank you so much for your answer.  I'm so sorry to hear about your suffering but at least they found out what it was.  H. Pylori is very, very nasty.  I have been tested for that already but luckily don't have it.  I hope that you get all the help you need and that your depression and anxiety fade away...... Because you're right, it really doesn't help.  Stress and anxiety is very bad for our bodies, so even when it gets tough, try your hardest not let it get you down.  Take care

makeupforever profile image

To the people that replied to my post,

Just thought you may be interested to know, I went to get a second opinion from another gastro doctor. She recommended I do a gastric emptying test, something that I had never ever heard of until now. For those of you that don't know, it is a test to see how well your stomach empties. Some people can have a stomach that empties too slowly or too quickly. I did the test and discovered my stomach empties too slowly, so am feeling a little more optimistic as the doctor said this could be causing my stomach pain and discomfort. If you experience food poisoning or a stomach bag, sometimes it can damage the nerves and send your stomach into shock, causing gastroparesis (stomach emptying too slowly). Just thought I would let you all know, and for those who are in a similar boat to me, I recommended giving this test a go. You never know what the results may be, and it might provide the answer you are looking for. Finally after ten months, I have found something that might just be the answer. 

Best wishes to you all, and hope you all are feeling well

megan316 profile image
megan316 in reply tomakeupforever

Hi makeupforever, I just wanted to share my story with you since my situation is fairly similar. I traveled to Bolivia almost a year ago today and while I was there got very sick (probably from unsanitary food prep or bad water) After I got back to the U.S i continued to experience very bad IBS symptoms but didn't know what was wrong with me. After having 2-3 "episodes" a day for a few weeks I started doing research of my own and found I probably had IBS-D. I asked my doctor and she said she thought that's what I had as well. I was horrified because there is no cure for IBS and I found myself wishing I had something worse that at least had a treatment. I tried very strong antibiotics my doctor prescribed (xifaxin) that seemed to help while I was on them and a little bit after but soon my symptom started to return. Finally I got into see a specialist who was oh so helpful and finally I started getting answers. She said I had post Infectious IBS which is the 'ideal' kind to have because it does go away eventually according to my specialist. She gave me a drug called Dicetel chichis supposed to simply help the lining of your bowels become normal again, I take it every morning with breakfast and seems to help a little. I still have an episode but it's now once every 2-3 weeks which is a definite improvement. I hope you find answers soon and start feeling better!

Hi makeup forever ,I have just put a post on because I remembered someone mentioning the pillcam,not that I could remember the name of it.

Anyway I just wondered if you could tell me how that works,as I'm sitting here in agony,and have been for years,that's about the only thing I haven't tried.

I also hope your feeling better now,two mths on.

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