Hello fellow sufferers! Has anybody got a good tried and tested diet that limits gas/wind production? I havnt really gave a diet a chance yet. My IBS-D problem is mainly anxiety related. Im thinking if my stomach feel more settled then maybe this might in turn relate to my brain! Thanks in advance!
Tips to limit Gas/wind in stomach anyone? - IBS Network
Tips to limit Gas/wind in stomach anyone?

Recently diagnosed hugely impacted my life. I found the fodmap diet helped enormously with the gas symptomd my triggers are raw spinach leaves for salads and broccoli. For controlling diaherr i have removed coffee, dairy and fatty foods huge one with instant relief was sorbital mine in the form of liquid caramel in my latte. Everyone is different however the fodmap diet helps.
I personally feel less pain the more wind i have, providing your getting rid and not holding it back. I also find its natures way of lubricating on its way out.
I suffer IBS C 75% IBS D 25% so it can be a bit like Russian roulette on the result, but you have to be prepared.
Sorry for being so blunt, but maybe we should be less embarrassed about it if we suffer to save face, or maybe i have turned a corner with age and just dont care what people think
I think stix is right. Been a sufferer for 30 years and it is risky to pass wind sometimes but I think it does relieve the pressure naturally. When it comes to food, I'm afraid, everyone is different and only understanding your own body will you begin to realise the worst triggers.
Try eliminating wheat and dairy first. If that doesn't work after a couple of weeks do the Fodmaps elimination diet. You can get the app which has a good guide in traffic light signals. Follow green light foods only for 4-6 weeks then start adding back in foods by type.
It's not easy and involves cutting out most preprepared foods and cooking from scratch. But worth the effort.
It's also worth saying that alcohol and caffeine drinks probably don't help your gut so try to use less of those or cut out if you can.
Hope this helps
Onions and beans triggers mine. Plus I can't drink fizzy cola (which I love). I am also careful with anything fatty/oily/creamy
Hi I went on garlic and parsley tablets for a month, everyday and a good probiotic. Did wonders as it gets rid of fermenting food.
I'll tell you all my triggers. Beer/alcohol (unfortunately). Garlic, red onion, tomato based sauces like bolognase all give me extreme heartburn. Alcohol and eating too much usually gives me Dia. Peppers arent great either. Tea can be really bad for me heartburn and stomach acid wise but im starting to wonder is it the tea or the milk!
Hi, My doctor has given me Kolanticon Gel for me to take for this. It does work and seems to settle me down. I take 2 teaspoons up to 4 times a day when I need it. Mine seems to be anxiety/stress related too but am trying to see if certain foods are causing me problems too.
FODMAPS worked for me. Also, if you do have trapped gas, try walking, yoga or running. It seems to expel it in my case and I feel much better.
OK here's what I know. Stress triggers bile. So if u r prone to emotional stress or work stress and u have an acidic diet u doomed. The body requires alklaine to control acid otherwise the body dumps it into the body. Eat 70% alklaine and 30% acid and ule feel back in tune
One of the symptoms of a vitamin B12 deficiency is flatulence difficulty-swallowing.com/s... as is anxiety, do you have any other symptoms from the above list? If so, methylated sublingual vitamin B12 might help.
What is an alkaline diet , sounds interesting , thank you in advance for any advice or suggestions