Colonoscopy: My doctor is referring me for a... - IBS Network

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Michelle1964 profile image
11 Replies

My doctor is referring me for a colonoscopy, will my IBS show up on it? I am worried about going. My friends said my IBS is due to my mind, rather than any physical problems. Any help

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Michelle1964 profile image
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11 Replies

Hi Michelle, colonoscopy dont show up IBS,they just show that there is no other reason for your problem,but it is the best test to have to eliminate anything. There isn't really a test for IBS. Also your friend is wrong IBS is a syndrome which means it could be due to multiple reasons. Food intolerants, dysfunctional bowel, stress, it could be due to a number of things. But it's not life threatening,it's just a matter of finding the reason for you. But you are going down the right track. Good Luck

Michelle1964 profile image
Michelle1964 in reply to

Thank you Gemini71. I really appreciate you taking time to reply.

Hi Michelle. Just out of interest have you had any other tests or is this the first one your GP is sending you for? IBS is characterised by a multitude of symptoms from the the mouth to the anus and the exact cause is still unknown, however, as Gemini says the tests that you have are to rule out other possible causes not to diagnose IBS per se. Tell your friends that it is not in your mind and that your symptoms are very real. It certainly doesn't help when friends do not understand does it! That said there definitely, in some cases, appears to be a link between the brain and the gut but this is only one thing and what you eat plays a big part too, although strangely not the same for all. Lastly, stress compounds everything ten fold and whilst it is easier said than done, keeping stress levels reduced definitely helps. By the way it's my son who has IBS for 14 years but I lived every moment through it all. Good luck with it all.

Michelle1964 profile image
Michelle1964 in reply to

Hi. She is sending me for blood tests on Thursday. Depending on results she will refer me to hospital for colonoscopy. She listens to me, which I feel helps me a lot. I do feel ashamed and dirty about my IBS. It is also ruining my life.

in reply to Michelle1964

I'd just like to pick up on your post Michelle, there's nothing to be ashamed of or dirty. IBS is an illness and if you just stop worrying about it and tell people, (friends,work mates ect ) they will understand. The more you worry about what people think the worse you will make it for yourself. As for allowing it to ruin your life, well I've lost 12yrs of my life by allowing it to take over. Don't be like me just think of it as an illness and live your life,and what will be will be. Get out there have fun and try and forget about it. As for being dirty well we all have to use the toilet. Stop worrying (I know easier said than done ) and have fun. Best of luck with your colonoscopy though you won't need it. Big Hug.

in reply to Michelle1964

Well that's a positive that you have a good GP isn't it? My son has seen many who just have the 'buck up' attitude which really hasn't helped at all. Although you will worry just think that by having any tests your GP sends you for are for your benefit in ruling out anything else it might be and if they all come up negative and it is IBS then yes, it is something you have to live with, but, the more you accept the fact and then plan your life accordingly the better you will be able to cope. At the end of the day if these so called friends give you a hard time then they are not friends. Have you ever tried any holistic therapies to relax. I am a qualified therapist and now and again my son lets me give him a treatment, this definitely calms him down. It's a long road but I'm sure it will all sort itself out somehow. All the best.

AgedCitizen profile image

Hi Michelle,Please don't worry about your need for a colonoscopy. There is absolutely no pain involved in the procedure. It lasts for just a short time and will give your doctors detailed knowledge as to the "state" of your bowel, its condition and the need for any further action. Which i am sure your doctor will explain in detail following the procedure together with the suggested course of action. Each case is different so it does not good to speculate as to causes on here.

As for your "friends" comments about it being all in your mind, whist stress can have a major impact on how your bowel functions , it is a real and physical condition and needs to be investigated to determine cause.

Good luck with the procedure and I'm sure once complete it will put your mind at rest and help lower stress levels.

Don't think much of you friend referring to your IBS as in your mind sorry but....IBS is a collection of symptoms that not only affect the bowel but the whole digestive tract so a colonoscopy won't show IBS but it will rule out other bowel diseases and biopsies will be taken. The colonoscopy itself is fine as you will be given a sedative not that mine worked that well and I watched the whole procedure with out feeling a thing I add and found it very interesting. The clear out the day before is not for the faint hearted the stomach cramps do hurt and you will need to be close to a toilet. I have lived with IBS for 25 or so years and I still have bad flare ups and that's with a gluten free and dairy free diet plus numerous other foods I can't eat. I wish you all the best for your procedure and that you find a way of calming your IBS symptoms if no other cause is found. And be rest assured it's no in your mind it is very real there is no cure for IBS you need to learn how to manage it. :-)

fenbadger profile image

Agreed to all that. It's not a scary procedure once you've had it. These days they'll let you watch. Honestly it's interesting. Like a tv documentary and you don't necessarily connect that's you on the screen. Takes your mind off the procedure better than a sedative which I always refuse, but then I have a bit of a morbid interest. . .

It's always good to be sure and I'm wary of friends who speak without knowledge. Doesn't stop me liking them, just don't believe everything they say.

Elaine1956 profile image


No doubt your mental/emotional state can aggravate IBS,it certainly does with me.

But,there has to be something there to be aggravated in the first place,you know?

IBS is usually the diagnosis when they cant find anything else to blame it on.

I had a colonoscopy a few weeks back,biopsies where taken and it wasnt pleasant,but at least I know I dont have cancer/diverticulitus/Crohns or any of those other nasty illnesses.

It did put my mind at rest cos Ive had cancer in the past.

It is definitely a physical problem,whether it is made worse thru worry or stress.

I dont think anyone who hasnt suffered as we do can possibly understand what we live with.

And listen,Michelle,you are not responsible for this,its just something nature has thrown at us. Dont beat yourself up over it.Yes,it can be embarrassing and stuff,but YOU are not dirty and have NO reason to feel ashamed!

Elaine :)

Agree with the other respondents in that IBS is a physical condition and whilst not life threatening can be distresssing

I can only comment on my symptom which is diarrhorea

This is now under control as I follow a strict lactose/dairy free diet - but this will be necessarily be the answer for you.

After you have had all the tests - especially a colonoscopy - and there is no other problem found and IBS is diagnosed then you could try food elimination to see if any particular food group exacerbates your symptoms. Several things can be the cause wheat (even if not diagnosed as ceoliac), dairy, spicy foods, some veg, some fruit

Keeping a diary of food intake and bowel movements would be helpful

However, I would suggest no changes until all the tests have been completed in case any changes alter the test results

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