Feels like pressure in chest.. very tied.. had scans all clear bloods clear urine clear.. Docs not helpful anyone with any idears
I have pain under my right rib cage, pain when... - IBS Network
I have pain under my right rib cage, pain when i breath out plus pain in my right shoulder blade..like some one has slapped me on the back

Hi Ladybug50, I'm not a Dr but it sounds the same as what I suffer with a lot it is possibly trapped wind, it can get very, very painful. the only way I have found to relieve it is to do shoulder rolls back & forth this will help to move the trapped wind, also I rub/massage gently under the affected breast that also helps to get the wind moving, if you try this & then burp shortly after it is most definitely trapped wind. I hope this helps x
I agree, i have same issue. Ive had for yrs off and on. My mom always told me gas, lol. Its always a sharp stabbing in my ribs under my right breast. It hurts to breath and i try not to. I rub snd rub and eventually it stops. I was never sure of my moms diagnosis until a few weeks back i had this issue again and while i was rubbing i litterally felt a release of like a bubble through that area.... my fingers didnt feel, it was internal. Then instantly pain was gone. Hope thats all it is for you.
Ask your Dr to see a physio, sounds like you have an MSK problem, e.g. pulled muscle or rib problem. A good physio should be able to isolate where the pain is coming from and help you to sort it. If the physio you see is not sure, ask to see their senior or someone in the team with lots of thoratic treatment experience/knowledge.
Sounds like gall bladder problems, might be worth getting it checked
I agree with Conwy. I get very similar symptoms when my gall stones are playing up. I'm currently waiting to have my gall bladder removed. if treatment for trapped wind doesn't help then it might be worth asking your doctor for a referral for a scan on your gall bladder.
Thank s to you all for your replies.. I have come across Hepatic Flexure Syndrome.. It appears to fit all my symptons.. Had scans bloods and xray done in hospital they where all clear!!! Still feel pretty poorly but have to go to work tommrow as self employed..
It could be a lot of stomach acid well it's how it affects me I start with gavascon if it carrys on I go gp. Hope you feel improved soon
Hi Ladybug, I'm currently feeling the exact same thing. When I breathe in deep or sit is when I really feel it sore there. Its tender for me right under the right rib cage as well and I also feel it in my back near my shoulder blade almost as if it were a pinched nerve. Ive has a barium swallow, 2 abdominal ultrasounds and an endoscopy and all they found was a hiatal hernia which should not cause pain there. I have a colonoscopy this week, which will hopefully give a lil more insight. Hepatic Flexure Syndrome? Would that cause these symptoms as well? Would love to know.
Hi BarbiMar, I have had two heart checks in less than 7 days due to the pain in my chest, between shoulder blades and to of arms.. My heart is fine as i new it was!! I feel like i have a tight band round my chest all the time, headaches very tied (but not tied for sleep just exhusted) nausea and reaching but not vomiting.. Spent a week in hospital consultiant not helpful > had scans all clear urin all clear as are bloods.. I came across Hepatic Flexure syndrome by chance as really felt it was a case of healing my self.. I have cut out all dairy, fixxy drinks and green stuff and beans.. ita only been two days and do feel a little better.. I did have half a cup of coffee with milk in, pain was back in record time. I am also taking a muscel relaxing drug.. so will see if i continue to improve.. All i can tell you after having been starved for nearly a week with limited fluid intake and then having a semi skimmed latte i was on the floor with in seconds screaming the ward down in pain... thier is not a lot of information of this condition and what thier is from usa but worth having a look for yourself.. I wish you well with the colonoscopy and mention to your consultaint this syndrome and take any information you can find to show them.. good luck
I truly feel for all of us on here. No one truly knows the torment IBS sufferers go through. The symptoms are enough to make us crazy, worried and just tired on every level. I thought I had it bad and I've read so many things on here that have really made me realize there are others out there who no only understand what Im going through but go through a lot more than I have. And what I have gone through has been enough to almost put me over the edge thinking I may be gravely ill. My respect to all of you for being so strong!
Your symptoms sound very familiar to me. I had my gall bladder removed several years ago so I knew it was not that. What I have now discovered and only recently is that I am an air swallower. This is explained in great detail in Prof john Hunters excellent book on ibs. He is a consultant in the field at Addenbrookes Hospital . If you have acid reflux you swallow more trying to deal with it. Reflux also causes gas. Added to this if you are anxious or stressed then this affects your breathing in as much that you breath from the chest rather than the abdomen. The book talks you through breathing exercises to re educate your breathing patterns. This has worked for me . I am currently into a programme of mindfulness meditation. This involves in part concentrating on breathing. When I started this I became aware that my breathing had changed to a more normal pattern from the abdomen. You can buy this book. For about £8 on amazon. Alternatively your local library(if there is one) may have it. This book is mentioned a number of times on this forum and it does explain in very simple terms how to correctly identify your ibs type and how to deal with the symptoms. I hope this helps.
It could be from the middle of your back and some stiffness in your spine. This part of your spine houses the area where the nerves come and go from the all of your insides in your chest/abdominal area. It could also be muscle or fascial tightness too. I'd find a good physio to check these things out.
why rebs pain in right side while teking breath