I suffer from anxiety and have had depression a couple of times over the years, I still get anxiety over my ibs symptoms thinking it must be something worse! I have had endoscopy's,bloods and three doctors tell me it's ibs but I still can't help thinking its something more sinister, is this "normal". I have a quite stressful job and lately it has been more stressful than usual,and this is in line with my symptoms worsening
I have constant stomach pains with a fluttering feeling, my bm are irregular and alternate between hard and soft, when they are soft it can leave a burning sensation for a day or so, i have terrible smelly flatulence and belch all the time. I also have acid reflux and take medication for this ( omerprazole). I read on this network that a lot of sufferers also get head fog, I get this too.
As you read my symptoms it points to ibs but I still worry its the wrong diagnosis and this is always playing on my mind, making my symptoms worse.
Thanks for reading and any advice is greatfully received