Anybody with a hituas hernia suffering from swollen stomach? Pains under rib cages constant pain !!
Hituas hernia issues??: Anybody with a hituas... - IBS Network
Hituas hernia issues??

My knowledge of hituas hernia would give you pain when lying down or leaning forward. If pain in every position e.g. standing up and if the pain does not change I think you need to see your Dr ASAP.
Hi, I have a hiatus hernia and it also gives me lots of grief, I too have a very swollen stomach which gets me down. 9 weeks ago I started FODMAP diet which has helped a bit. I also have an ovarian cyst which aggravates mine but hopefully not for much longer as hoping to have it removed soon. I take 30mg of lanzaprozol daily but have taken 60mg a day in the past. I also take buscopan 20mg 3 x a day all to try and reduce the pain. It helps a little and have not been stuck on all fours on the floor for a while but my stress has also been reduced as off work currently. Are you seeing a gastroenterologist if not get a referral to one. Your not alone although I'm sure like me sometimes you feel you are..
Hi yes I'm having a hituats hernia op either before Christmas or just after Ive had this done twice before and the damn thing has come bk to haunt me yet again. I'm takingtwice daily zantac and 60mg lansoprazule 20mg domperidone and just started drinks fortisp compact from doctor as I cannot eat. I just really wanted to no if anybody else was suffering from a swollen stomach
Do you mind me asking, how old you are as my gastro guy didn't want to operate on me he said I was too young I'm in my 40's. I see my guy again end of January.
Thanks for letting me know. My gastro guy wants me to use the FODMAP diet to reduce symptoms which does help but limits what I can eat which is hard as I love spicy food :-(.
sometimes I cant tell if its the herinia or the ibs or one affects the other.