Anyone know how long it's best to wait before having a hot drink, the instructions say 5 mins., but I know my stomach doesn't empty very quickly.
Just started Symprove, I really miss my early ... - IBS Network
Just started Symprove, I really miss my early morning tea as it helps to start movement of wind etc., if I'm lucky!

hello, I'm on my 3rd month of symprove now and I'm amazed the difference its made, even when i do now have an ibs attack, which is no where near as often as it used to be, its more just like a bad stomach upset now, just lasts a day and with none or hardly any pain. I usually take my symprove as soon as i get up and then by the time the kettles boiled for my morning cuppa the 5 mins have passed. I've done this from day 1, sometimes my hubby brings me a cuppa in bed and i drink it before i remember the symprove but I've found if i give it a good half hour without anything and then start the day again, it still works! Good luck with it I know everyone is different and it hasnt made a difference to some people on here but its certainly helped me.
Are they enteric-coated?
I remember reading that stomach acid destroys most probiotics and that only enteric coated ones are any good. I used Mighidophilus for month with no noticeable improvement. I will try anything once (on recommendation - not on manufacturers spin)
It is a good 10-15 minutes before I get a drink in the morning. I set the coffee maker up before bed turn it on first, By the time I have fed one cat, given him thyroid and kidney meds, Made up food for another cat with phosphorus binders in, taken it down, gone back up for something else when madam decides she doesn't want the first offering etc. - then cat 3 normally appears - I feed her, she has a few bites and beckons me to go downstairs with her to open the back door (despite having a cat flap).
I suffer from ibsa and got bloating & indigestion with pain when constipated & could go from 4-7 days with no bm, then once I'd go it could b up to 6 times a day with horrendous diarrhoea & pain when going for up to a week then back to constipation. Within 2 week of starting symprove my constipation completely went along with the bloating and now 2 months in I have a bm every day, sometimes I still go up to 4 times & get diarrhoea but none or little pain and only lasts a day or 2 at most & I just generally feel so much better in myself, I can't begin to explain difference it's made
Thank you coppertop it's nice to know I can be a little flexible. So pleased Symprove is helping you so much, just hope I get some positive results as well. Years and years of trying so many avenues makes you feel very despondent.
Mark, loved to hear all about your funny cat routines, think they've got you round their little paws! Symprove is a liquid with live bacteria, that's why you have to take it first thing, so gets to work immediately. Seems to be somewhat of a breakthrough.
Just a pity it's so expensive & not on prescription! I've been googling cheapest each month, this month pharmacy first was cheapest if you bought 4 bottles worked out just over £16 a bottle, hoping when I go down to maintenance dose (half dose) next month it's still as effective
Dear All Symprove takers
I was on Symprove last year for 3 months and the results were amazing. Didnt get that horrible pressure feeling and wind that occurred regularly. Just felt much better and didnt have to think about bowels all the time. In fact started feeling normal!!! I went onto Maintenance dose (every other day) and still felt good. I stopped it after around 6 months in total as it is so expensive. I tried a couple of tablet form probiotics as felt symptoms were returning but to no avail!!! I am now back on Symprove and feel a lot better already. I do shop around when I reorder to get the best deal too!!! Got them from Sunshine Health for £69 this time with delivery!!! Hope this helps!!! This product should definitely be available on the NHS!!!