I need advice after five years of no ibs attacks im now getting two or three a week its hell!
Ibs is taking over my life after 5 years being... - IBS Network
Ibs is taking over my life after 5 years being dorment

What form of IBS do you have......... It comes in many disguises. Diarrhea, constipation etc. Let us know and we will try to help.
What is new in your life recently? Are there any stressful events going on? Are you eating different foods? Have you had antibiotics recently? There are myriad things that can trigger IBS symptoms, but if your IBS has been quiet for five years and has now suddenly set off again, I think that warrants a trip to the doctor just to get checked over...
my job as its very stressful lot pressure and i moved house last sunday too.
New relationship aswell
Yeah, that could do it, lol!!! Personally, I'd still take a trip to the docs though just to be sure. Do you take any medication for your IBS? If you don't, it might be worth you asking your doc about this. I take mebeverine (Colofac) and amitriptyline for mine, and it does help. Take care.
i too am on amitryptyline 75mg a day,and i can honestly say after having ibs d for over 30 years and lost lots of days going to the loo up to 20 times a day,it works great for me,coincidence really, was put on amytryptyline for pain and depression and its taken care of my ibs d too ,...
Have you tried any food-elimination diets such as FODMAPs which helps many people on here?

No whats that all about
The FODMAP diet sounds like it might be something for you to try, it works for loads of people on here with IBS-D. You can either ask your GP for a referral to an NHS dietitian trained to advise on it or go down the DIY route (which is what I did as I started on it a year or more before the NHS got behind it). To do this, go to the website for Monash University (where the diet was 'invented'), lots of info there plus a brilliant app you can download, and buy Patsy Catsos's book 'IBS - Free At Last' which gives you step-by-step guidance on how to do the diet. My best advice is not to bother with any other websites about FODMAPs as the info is often wrong and mostly outdated too.
I agree with RozB. Go back to basics and go on the elimination diet. De-stress if possible, try deep breathing, meditation and getting 8 hours if sleep, eliminate alcohol till your feeling better. Start taking probiotics. Soak in Epsom salt baths for pain relief and hot water bottles.
I'm wondering whether to ask my GP for amitriptolene. But I'm worried it may make my constipation worse,as that is the main side effect of it. Anyone know. I also need it to help with anxiety too. Was on a SSR Cetalaprim for three years that didn't help either my IBS or anxiety. Thnx
I think the elimination diet too. Relaxation therapy to alleviate the stress. Take time to lie on your bed, breathe in deep from your nose and out through your mouth. then starting at your toes, squeeze as hard as you can for 5 seconds then release, do the same all the way up to your neck, you might want to put some nice soothing music on in the background. At the end you should feel relaxed or be asleep lol!!!! Make sure other people in the house know that you are NOT to be disturbed for at least an hour unless it is an emergency. good luck x