was on 10mg of ami,whilst in hospital( with severe pelvic pain) upped to 25mg.i suffer with i b s( c),find im more constipated now & movicol not much help.my symptoms vary day to day,some days have severe nausea,the next day its gone!would be interested to hear of members experience of amitriptyline,thanks in advance.
does anyone find amittriptyline a help? - IBS Network
does anyone find amittriptyline a help?

I was put on 25mg for IBS. At first it made me very dizzy and tired, it was horrible, but that wore off after a week or so and felt fine. My IBS got much better, but it only lasted for a month and then went back to usual unfortunately. So had the dose increased to 50mg but not had any improvements with IBS or migraines, just a bit constipated.
I'm on only 5mg (starting dose) for migraine. It was suggested I started on this low dose then up to 10mg, however I have felt alot better on 5mg with only 2 migraines in one month. Previously I had at least 4 a week. I did, as the doctor suggested up to 10mg but found that it was getting awful constipation so dropped back down to the 5mg and will remain on this as it appears to suit me at present and anything that helps with migraine is great as far a I'm concerned. It's the only medication that has suited me for migraine.
This is interesting to know as I was prescribed amitriptyline to reduce the stress side of IBS but never actually took it as I thought it was an addictional drug. As I suffer mostly from diarrhoea perhaps it would help in all respects as it seems to give most people constipation it may balance it out a bit. I think I may just try it! Thanks folks.

hi sashapet, doct told me 25mg is a very low dose & is used for ibs & nerve pain.Good luck with it ,i hope it helps you.
I take 10mg a day. I've not found it's helped my IBS much, other than I can sleep before 10pm as I actually feel tired which is a bonus for me (suffered from insomnia). I had to cut the dose from 20mg-way too much for me and for the first 2 weeks I felt constantly drunk and tired. I forgot to take it once last month and my stomach didn't feel right all day. I do suffer with anxiety and I think it helps for that too.