does any one feel like there is something push... - IBS Network
does any one feel like there is something pushing down in the bowel all the time like its going to explode

Yes, I have that some days and wonder if it is diverticular disease, I had a camera up there a few years ago when they told me I had a little of that condition.
Saying that, I still get relief if I watch what I eat. Stopped apples a while back and see a very different colour waste matter now. Not the yellowish tint anymore.
Do you mean you feel as if you've had an incomplete bowel movement and that perhaps gas has built up behind it and is trying to find a way out?

kind off go several times in the morning then it seems to build up in the evening very uncomfortable and yes there is wind
It does sound as if you could do with more fibre in your diet. I see that in an earlier comment of yours, you say that you have a problem with fruit, so I suggest you increase the fruit that people who are on the FODMAP diet (like me) eat and miss out the rest. In fact, you might find it beneficial to miss out all high-frutose foods or even put yourself on the FODMAP diet in its entirety.

This is what happens to me and it's very uncomfortable. I no sooner get downstairs that I feel the need to rush back to the bathroom (not easy to rush on a stairlift) Sometimes I only pass wind but sometimes there is an explosion of both. I also get the mucous. I'm beginning to discover though what foods to avoid. Apparently alcohol is taboo but I'm happy to say that my daily G&T makes absolutely no difference.
What you experience is very common with IBS, I for one had exactly the same symptoms - amongst others. The low FODMAP diet (which I have now been on for 6 months) solved all my problems and, unless I slide too far off it, my intestines behave very well. I suggest you go back to your GP and ask for a referral to a dietitian where you can get all the help and support you need for low FODMAPs or any other diet that might suit you.
I've slipped the same disc 3 times. The pain killers caused constipation and compaction. Pushing was impossible so I over used suppositories. Thus, I now have, what I assume is a diverticular pocket, in that area. I try to make sure I totally finish the motion and wait and don't rush it. Otherwise, I have what I think you describe and it can go on irritating me throughout the night. Lots of fibre really helps. Hope this helps you.
Yes, frequently, in addition to above suggestions, I do mild exercises, stretching, lying on stomach like superman, lying on back and moving legs, bent or straight, and rolling side to side. very important!