hello! I just recently had a colonoscopy and endoscopy because I’ve been having bad gi issues and it all came back normal minus two non cancerous polyps they removed. My mom has endometriosis and was wondering if my symptoms line up with endo since gi is clean. Every month during ovulation I get nausea bloating and some diarrhea. Periods are heavy but I don’t really have much pain. They last like 6-7 days. I get really bad gi symptoms right before period as well. I know the only way to find endo is by surgery and I don’t want to do that. I also have bladder issues. I get utis often. Always have since high school and I’m 37. I have three healthy kids and had normal labor and delivery and I’m now going to a urogyne who said I have 0-1 prolapse so everything looks decent there as well. They still suggest pelvic floor therapy which I’ll be staring soon. I also go to urology and they have me on a low dose of keflex (100 mg) for 90 days then I have a scope scheduled for 5/5. I get bladder pain and urgency around ovulation and period as well. Hoping the antibiotic and pelvic floor exercises help with the utis and maybe even the PBS or IC they think I may have. I’m just thinking further into this and wondering if it’s all actually endo. Thoughts? Thanks!
maybe endo?: hello! I just recently had... - The Endometriosis...
maybe endo?

Hi, I’m in the UK so I know some treatments etc might be different but just wanted to say, you sound like you suffer with a lot of the symptoms I do and I’ve recently been diagnosed with endometriosis and adenomyosis. In the uk an mri and/or ultrasound can pick up endometriosis, I don’t know if it’s possible for you to have that done? It may be a way to see without you having to have surgery. Like you I also suffer with gi issues during my period, I’m back and forth to the toilet a few times a day, when normally I go once a day if that . My periods are very heavy, very painful and can last from 10 days to 7 weeks (that’s the longest) but it’s usually around 2/3 weeks but everyone suffers differently. I would definitely speak to you primary care doctor and ask about an mri and or ultrasound. Also mention that your Mum has endo as it can be hereditary (my mum had both endo and adenomyosis)