This video is interesting. I am deficient in vitamin D and wonder why my Sweet's is non existent in Michigan in the months of May through August. When I travel to a sunny, warm, climate in the winter for 3-4 weeks my sweet's is again in a sort of remission. When I return back to winter my sweet's acts up within days. I believe there is a link between vitamin D deficiency and Sweet's. Keep a calendar and see if sun benefits your Sweet's.
Vitamin D deficiency as it may relate ... - Sweet's Syndrome UK
Vitamin D deficiency as it may relate to Sweet's.
Thanks Freckles1,
I should mention that overexposure to sunlight/UV light is a proven trigger for Sweet's syndrome. Some patients with SS find that their condition gets worse in hot, sunny weather. However, vitamin D deficiency is linked to numerous conditions, but has not yet been linked to SS (no studies have been conducted). It has been linked to systemic lupus erythematosus, and possibly Behcet's syndrome which is a similar condition to SS (not all case-studies show a link).
Hi shell567,
Given the duration of my sweet's I have come to realize that no real research is being done because we are so rare. I choose to look at research advances made in other autoimmune disease and say might that work for me? I am going to start on vitamin D because it makes sense to me. If it helps with behcet's and now MS as this article says then why not sweet's. I look for the common denominator(s) that make my sweets flare such as overheating and what makes my skin better and for me it's sunshine (not in excess) = vitamin D. This is new research and I hope it helps someone. Again, my D is low and I live in Michigan.
All the best, freckles1. x