I simply had to write a quick post to say a massive thank you to, CBDB for signing so many of us up to, Yoga with Adriene and her January Journey CENTER.
For me, it has been one of the best I have ever done... I had to play catch up but it was still a joy.
I think for the first time I really did feel the whole point of it; I found my core and centre, I persevered, with tweaks on the moves and I relished the breathing, which impacted greatly on my Post Covid left overs. I feel strong and much more relaxed and positive.
I have started each day with a smile, I am sleeping easier and deeper.
And my downward dog... which I was not able to achieve at the beginning...( too much head congestion)... I can now do . Small runner in training is very impressed...!
I know so, so many of us have taken so much away from these sessions!
Thank you for getting us all involved.... what next for our yoga adventures ! I simply cannot wait!
Oldfloss xxx
Snail.. courtesy of small one and I practicing our Drawing with Rob ! Tale a look at his videos... excellent fun!