The SETBACK is the FIRST STEP towards your... - Strength & Flex

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The SETBACK is the FIRST STEP towards your COMEBACK!

Oldfloss profile image
19 Replies

Hello everyone...

Gosh it is a while since I posted here... and although I pop in from time to time to link into some of the great exercise here, I have not written anything on any depth!

Okay... On C25K forum, where I am for a lot of my running time. I am picking up quite a lot of questions about illness, injury and in particular getting back to running.

For me, right now, I can totally empathise with those questions.

For the last two months I have been laid low by a series of annoying, painful and quite debilitating issues...nothing major, but enough to stop me running! Antibiotic treatment impacted on me almost as much as the illness, as I take any medication so infrequently, recovery time was almost as long as the illness. The running path was hidden from view, and the goals ahead, blurring in the distance.

It can be very hard at times like this to accept what is going on, whilst trying to maintain some degree of fitness or even mobility.

Running helps to keep us physically and mentally fit. This is what we advocate much of the time. A lot of us really depend on it, as part of our lifestyle.

When illness strikes, we can miss running so much and we worry about how rapidly that fitness will disappear, particularly in the early days of our running. This feeling is often followed by the almost overwhelming desire to get out there again, as quickly as possible.

We are all so, so, different and we all recover from illness or injury at different rates, but one thing we all need to try, ( really try) to remember is that we need to get back to our running safely.

We want to keep the fitness and we want to feel like running again. So... how can we achieve that.

The first thing we need to do is... WAIT. (What ) !!!!

Yes, I said, WAIT.

You need to wait until you are fully better before you run again. It can be all too easy to kid ourselves that we are almost OK and think we are able to do more than we actually are able. The thought of having to wait longer is not a good one.. We have to ask questions of ourselves and answer honestly... and that is so hard!

The nature of the illness or injury is a factor, but even if it is only a mild illness, or a relatively simple injury, we still need to make sure we are both physically and mentally fit enough to run again.

So we ask a few questions... and we answer honestly.

( These would be my answers now)

Can I cope with daily activities such as showering, cooking and cleaning  without feeling wobbly and ready for a lie-down? (Hmmm... yes, mainly)!

Can I get through my normal, working day okay? N/A (I am retired...probably working harder than when I worked for a salary, but I do still feel a bit whacked by 4.30 ish)!

Can I take a brisk walk or run up a set of stairs without coughing/feeling breathless? ( Just about to try that).

Have at least 48 hours passed since I had a high temperature? N/A

Am I eating and drinking normally? ( YES)!

Has my resting heart rate returned to its normal levels? (Only answer this question if you are used to tracking it). N/A

Has my fatigue lifted and do I feel strong enough to run? ( The answer was yes...but not far)!

Okay... so that would be me MY next question is,,, what exercise for my strength and stamina well being, would I be able to do currently?

Well,.. this is the trickiest part of all!

My go-to is always ,initially, low-impact training.


a) It’s easy on my joints,.. ( old ones)!

b) It builds consistency with training...repetition is good, familiarity too.

c) It improves cardiovascular endurance...every little helps!

d) It relieves stress... always useful when no running has taken place.

e) It boosts well-being... and that has to be good!


There are loads of links to all manner of exercise, right here on this forum and there

should be something to suit everyone!

You can devise your own plan to fit in with your life.

For me... I use the 5 moves as a basic starting point.

Squat, hinge, push, pull and core! Plus. One of the best exercises ever... walking.

I use loads of Body-fit with Amy... low impact short and sweet sessions to get me moving again...arms, legs, back, core etc. and then some longer workouts when I am back on form... there are loads of links here,

As and when we do feel the time IS right to head out again, then that is a tad simpler...

Make sure that you are ready to go.

Eat well... you need to build up or back all those resources that a healthy eating regime gives you.

Rest well...plenty of rest time and some good hours of sleep will promote recovery and return to fitness,

Listen to your body, YOU are your own best friend... and you would not lie to a best friend., would you? Pushing too hard is not an option.

And finally...

Slow and steady... ( what else)?

Hope this has been useful to some of you. I am taking careful note of all that I have written!


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Oldfloss profile image
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19 Replies
linda9389 profile image

I love this OF.Especially the headline.

Despite currently being niggle free (touching wood as I type), I am walking more and more. I actually wonder if that is helping to keep niggles at bay. It gives me more time on my feet with far less impact than running, but it is also helping stretch out my hip flexors and quads after long rides too.

Besides that it gets me out in the fresh air with time to stop and really take in the view, and keeps me away from the biscuit tin!!!

When niggles strike again (and I am absolutely sure they will), walking will definitely be my 'go to' comeback strategy.

Hope you are feeling better and stronger very, very soon xxx

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to linda9389

Thanks for this... I do feel, as you seem to, that although we recommend walking as a rest day exercise.. it is probably greatly undervalued.So different from running yes, and yet using so many bits of our body !

I have been walking a lot over these last weeks and I do know that it has kept me from stiffening up!

Just the well being emotions of being out in the great outdoors are worth it, helping any recovery and rejuvenation!

I hope you stay niggle free and do manage to limit the dips into the biscuit tin :) x

I am feelin a lot more strong and getting out for a little foray yesterday... slept better too! Thank you x

This post need a “love” option instead of just a like. It’s absolutely what I need right now. Straight after the high of my longest run on Friday, I came down with a stomach bug and it’s been absolutely awful. I haven’t even managed a five minute walk. I’m finally at the point where I can see the end but the thing I’ve been really concerned about is when I can run next and how much training I might miss instead of getting myself better. There are so many excellent points raised in your post that have stopped me trying to get out too soon. Thanks so much for this wise encouragement (as always)! I will wait and try to make that wait a patient and productive one.

Wishing you all the best with your recovery ❤️

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to MissUnderstanding

Phew..I'm so glad I posted this but so sorry that you have been laid low.Illness or injury literally floor us...and we are often less than kind to ourselves.

Take it gently, feel better soon and as I keep reminding myself, the run will wait.

We will get there x

Liono profile image
Liono in reply to MissUnderstanding

Get Well Soon MissUnderstanding x

Hedgehogs123 profile image
Hedgehogs123 in reply to MissUnderstanding

Ooh sounds awful, hope you feel better soon 🤞

Instructor57 profile image

Great post Oldfloss !Good, uncomplicated simple and sound advice , love it 👍

Hope you back on track soon 🤞

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to Instructor57

Getting there. And being patient...thanks you!

SueAppleRun profile image

Always helpful Floss, and hoping you return to full fitness soon xx

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to SueAppleRun

Thank are certainly doing really well right now! X

Liono profile image

Very timely as always Oldfloss, I needed to read this today. No running for 3 1/2 weeks now and it's getting me down. Religiously doing my physio exercises but no noticeable improvements. I'm lucky, I'm not in any significant pain and I can do my daily activities so I'm tempted to try a run but I just have a feeling I'll be straight back to square one if I do so I will WAIT 🙂

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to Liono

Great stuff...there's a lot of us , being very patient right now. Good to be amongst friends x

Those physio exercises are going to help but, it will take time... I had a 12 week no-running a while back... physio work too, and it took time... but here I still am :)

Maybe concentrate on using your daily activities as part of the comeback.. ordinary tasks do count towards strength and stamina work, you know?

Wait, and believe that the wait will be worth it.

We are here to help you through! x

Hedgehogs123 profile image

What a fantastic and thought provoking post, thank you. Such wise words, only wish I could be more honest with myself! I have always loved walking and although after losing my four legged companion last year I still walk the same route every morning and every evening. My elderly remaining dog who is almost 14, looks at me as if to say, ' not a chance, I'll come if I can just stand and sniff for the whole of the time! '. My partner who is not into exercise at all walks at the same pace as her too!!Covid took its toll and I'm only just getting back to where I was. I probably pushed it more than I should but I got frustrated at people overtaking me at Parkrun, when I know I normally am way Infront. Call it impatience or stupidity I don't know, maybe a mixture of both!

Your post has made me think back and if it happens again , I will ask myself those questions you have posed.

Oh the value and wisdom on here, just absolutely lifesaving at times!


Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to Hedgehogs123

Honesty to ourselves... it sometimes takes a very long time before we actually achieve it.

We just have to try... and you are doing that, with your walks, despite the issues... I know how your older dog feels! Let me come of I can smell the roses:)

Covid has taken a real toll on so, so many and the lasting impact is dreadful.

I don't feel you are stupid or impatient, just human... you used to run, you felt strong and fit and you were a leader...

That is still you...but you have had setbacks, and it will take time.

You have time...

Ease back a tad... smell the roses for yourself, and believe that if you can try, even just a little bit to be kinder to yourself... you will get there all the faster.

Well done you x

Hedgehogs123 profile image
Hedgehogs123 in reply to Oldfloss

Thank you ❤️‍🩹

CBDB profile image
CBDBAdministratorGraduate Gold

Setback is the first step of a comeback ! I love that!

And hello! So lovely to see your post here, again! I know there are plenty of your posts in our archive, really valuable gems of our S&F library!

I also have begun to see the period spent on the injury couch as new opportunities to get stronger, but in a different way to running.

My longest stint on the IC resulted in me getting to know much more about my feet than I ever did before. And it got me into daily rowing and into a Nordic Walking course, which I would have not done otherwise. So in some ways, I got stronger because I had to deal with a weakness in my body.

But as you allude to, we also have to show patience and not push to early or too hard. A little often gets you a long way!

One thing I haven’t quite achieved yet is to embed more daily walking into my routines. And maybe I have to be patient on that issue, and trust that that will wait until I find a little more time or when my daily habits allow me to plan these walks in!

But the time will come! Until then, Yoga, rowing and running, and a few walks here and there.

Thank you! 🥰😍👍🏽

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to CBDB

So good to be back here.... You are really good at listening to your body and also, getting plenty of alternative exercise in too, when the runs are not happening.The Yoga of course and the walking, which hopefully will happen.

I got some poles, based on your post about the Nordic walking and I have to say, I am impressed with them!

Growing stronger from weakness... I like it!

So many of our forum friends show that they do that, many times...!

Patience does not always come easily, but by supporting each other, we may be able to stay on track! x

Over60sRunner profile image

Thank you so much for this post Oldfloss 🙏 I found it a real support with my health and motivation still up and down like a fiddler's elbow. I do what I can, when I can, and keep the faith that things will at some point return to "normal" - whatever that is!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to Over60sRunner

That really is all we are able to do. Try to keep moving a little in whatever way we can and know that when we do get back onto some level running ground, that we can move forward.

There is so much here to support us, not least pf all the friendship that keeps us going!

Well done you...just stay strong! x

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