Once I had finished my C25k now more than a year ago, I had a hard look at my breakfasting to ensure the timing fit with morning runs and workouts, whilst finetuning ingredients.
The tweaking included trying out having protein smoothies first thing before my workouts in the morning instead of my then usual tea or coffee. Originally I thought protein powders were only for men doing strengths workouts (e.g.my hubby at the time), but boy was I missing out on something!
Over the last month I changed to having a simple lemon iced water in the morning, and then going straight to a run on run days, with yoga sessions straight after. Protein smoothies are then a post workout thing, a daily breakfast treat for afterwards.
Inconceivable before I started this running journey, but nowadays I just about manage to pack all this in and then head to work and sit at my desk at 9am. This is much harder in days I have to go in to work. Home-working has allowed my running/workout routines to much better fit around my work, with me often using my lunch break for a quick 30 min yoga session if I’ve not done it in the morning.
But I’m also enjoying my newfound delight in my morning protein smoothies, with my fall back basic recipe being
- oat milk
- pea protein powder
- almond nut butter (or avocados)
- half a celery stick
- handful of frozen blueberries or bananas
But I’m still in the process of finding out different smoothie recipes, therefore the pic of the perfect smoothie blueprint that I think I will print out and tape to a kitchen cabinet door!
So what is your perfect breakfast for before or after your running or workouts! Any secret recipes?
So what gets you going in the morning?